Except where specified, the courses listed below may be
offered in any semester, subject to student demand and the availability of an instructor.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
Historical |
PHIL*6310 Plato (0.5) | | A study of some of the major works of Plato. |
PHIL*6311 Aristotle (0.5) | | A
study of some of the major works of Aristotle. |
PHIL*6320 Medieval Philosophy (0.5) | | A close examination of
particular problems and texts of the medieval period. |
PHIL*6340 Modern Philosophy (0.5) | | An examination of
major texts, from Descartes to Mill. |
PHIL*6500 John Locke (0.5) | | A critical examination of the works of John
Locke. |
PHIL*6530 Kant (0.5) | | A critical examination of the works of Immanuel Kant. |
PHIL*6700 Survey of
Ancient Philosophy (0.5) | | A survey of ancient philosophy for students in the MA program without a BA in
Philosophy. |
PHIL*6710 Survey of Early Modern Philosophy (0.5) | | A survey of modern philosophy from
Hobbes to Hume for students in the philosophy MA program without a BA in philosophy. |
PHIL*6810 Survey of
Late Modern Philosophy (0.5) | | A survey of modern philosophy from Kant to the late 19th century for students in
the MA program without a BA in philosophy. |
Ethics/Value Theory |
PHIL*6000 Value Theory (0.5) | | A critical
examination of some selected contemporary works in value theory or aesthetics. |
PHIL*6230 Ethics (0.5) | | A
critical examination of some selected contemporary works or problems in ethical theory. |
Biomedical Ethics (0.5) | | A critical examination of some selected contemporary works or of problems in
biomedical ethics. |
PHIL*6580 Clinical Internship in Bioethics (0.5) | | This course provides students doing
research in bioethics with the opportunity to gain practical experience in an appropriate clinical setting.
Students will undertake a project which must be approved by the student's advisory committee. Normally, only
students whose thesis is in bioethics will be permitted to take this course. This course can only be taken as an
addition to the prescribed courses in the PhD program. |
PHIL*6600 Social Philosophy (0.5) | | A critical
examination of some selected contemporary works or central problems in the field of social philosophy. |
PHIL*6760 Science and Ethics (0.5) | | A consideration of the problems which arise in the conjunction of science
and ethics. |
Metaphysics/Epistemology |
PHIL*6110 Philosophy of Religion (0.5) | | A critical examination of
some selected major works or central problems in the philosophy of religion. |
PHIL*6120 Philosophy of Mind
(0.5) | | A study of contemporary theories of mind and philosophies of psychology. |
PHIL*6140 Continental
Theory I (0.5) | | A study of the historical and contemporary origins of existentialism, phenomenology and
post-modernism, concentrating on one or several of the classic texts. |
PHIL*6150 Continental Theory II (0.5) | | A
study of the historical and contemporary origins of existentialism, phenomenology and post-modernism,
concentrating on texts not covered in PHIL*6140 in the same year. |
PHIL*6200 Problems of Contemporary
Philosophy (0.5) | | A study of a particular set of problems in contemporary philosophy. |
PHIL*6210 Metaphysics
(0.5) | | A critical examination of some selected major works or central problems in metaphysics. |
Epistemology (0.5) | | A critical examination of some selected major works or central problems in epistemology. |
Philosophy of Science |
PHIL*6720 History of the Philosophy of Science (0.5) | | A survey of the history of the
philosophy of science from the Presocratics to the Positivists. |
PHIL*6730 Contemporary Philosophy of
Science (0.5) | | An examination of the contemporary discipline of the philosophy of science. |
Philosophy of Biology (0.5) | | A general introduction to the history and philosophy of biology. |
Philosophy of Social Science (0.5) | | A critical examination of issues in the philosophy of social science. |
General |
PHIL*6060 Logic (0.5) | | A course designed to bring the individual student to the level of competence in logical
techniques and theory required for graduate studies. |
PHIL*6770 Special Research Paper I (0.5) | | A research
course in a topic of the student's choice, guided by an individual faculty member. |
PHIL*6780 Special Research
Paper II (0.5) | | A research course in a topic of the student's choice, guided by an individual faculty member. |
PHIL*6900 Reading Course (0.5) | | |
PHIL*6930 Selected Topics I (0.5) | | Topics in this course will vary from
offering to offering. |
PHIL*6940 Selected Topics II (0.5) | | Topics in this course will vary from offering to
offering. |
PHIL*6950 MA Seminar (0.5) | | A seminar course in which students work on developing research
papers in topics of their own choice. This course must be taken by all MA students. Students must register for
this course in both fall and winter semesters. |
PHIL*6960 PhD Graduate Seminar (0.5) | | A seminar course in
which students work on developing research papers in topics of their own choice. Students must register for this
course in both fall and winter semesters. PhD students must do at least one and may do two graduate seminar
courses during their programs. |
PHIL*6990 Guided Research Project (1.0) | | A guided research project
undertaken by students doing an MA by coursework, under the supervision of a faculty member. |