* Courses offered annually. Other courses are offered on an alternate year basis and as requested.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
Core Courses |
PHYS*7010 Quantum Mechanics I (0.5) | * |
Review of formalism of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics including symmetries and invariance.
Approximation methods and scattering theory. Elementary quantum theory of radiation. Introduction
to one-particle relativistic wave equations. |
PHYS*7020 Quantum Mechanics II (0.5) | |
Concepts of relativistic quantum mechanics, elementary quantum field theory, and Feynman
diagrams. Application to many-particle systems. Prerequisite: 701 or equivalent. |
PHYS*7040 Statistical Physics I (0.5) | * |
Statistical basis of thermodynamics; microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical ensembles;
quantum statistical mechanics, theory of the density matrix; fluctuations, noise, irreversible
thermodynamics; transport theory; application to gases, liquids, solids. |
PHYS*7050 Statistical Physics II (0.5) | |
Phase transitions. Fluctuation phenomena. Kubo's theory of time correlation functions for transport
and spectral properties; applications selected from a variety of topics including linearized
hydrodynamics of normal and superfluids, molecular liquids, liquid crystals, surface phenomena,
theory of the dielectric constant, etc. Prerequisite: PHYS*7040 or equivalent. |
PHYS*7060 Electromagnetic Theory (0.5) | * |
Solutions to Maxwell's equations; radiation theory, normal modes; multipole expansion; Kirchhoff's
diffraction theory; radiating point charge; optical theorem. Special relativity; transformation laws
for the electromagnetic field; line broadening. Dispersion; Kramers-Kronig relations.
Magnetohydrodynamics and plasmas. |
PHYS*7080 Applications of Group Theory (0.5) | |
Introduction to group theory; symmetry, the group concept, representation theory, character theory.
Applications to molecular vibrations, the solid state, quantum mechanics and crystal field theory. |
PHYS*7110 Scattering Theory (0.5) | |
Review of potential theory of scattering. Applications chosen from elastic- and inelastic-neutron
X-ray, light, charged-particle, and atomic and molecular beam scattering. |
Subatomic and Nuclear |
PHYS*7030 Quantum Field Theory (0.5) | |
Relativistic quantum mechanics. Quantum electrodynamics. Covariant perturbation theory.
Non-abelian gauge theories. Prerequisite: PHYS*7010 or equivalent. |
PHYS*7090 Green's Function Method (0.5) | |
Review of essential quantum field theory. Zero and finite temperature. Green's functions. Applications. |
PHYS*7150 Nuclear Physics (0.5) | |
Static properties of nuclei; alpha, beta, gamma decay; two-body systems; nuclear forces; nuclear
reactions; single-particle models for spherical and deformed nuclei; shell, collective, interacting
boson models. |
PHYS*7170 Intermediate and High Energy Physics (0.5) | |
Strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions. Isospin, strangeness, conservation laws and
symmetry principles. Leptons, hadrons, quarks and their classification, formation, interactions and
decay. |
PHYS*7470 Quantum Electronics (0.5) | |
Optoelectronic component fabrication, light propogation in linear and nonlinear media, optical fiber properties, electro-optic and acousto-optic modulation, spontaneous and stimulated emission, semiconductor lasers and detectors, noise effects in fiber systems. |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
PHYS*7800 Galactic Structure (0.5) | |
Introduction to statistical theory and distribution laws. Statistical theory of the galactic system.
Stellar motions in the solar vicinity. Galactic rotation. Space distribution of stars and their relation
to the galaxy. Distribution of various galactic objects. Application to extra-galactic systems. |
PHYS*7810 Astrophysics (0.5) | |
The fundamental astronomical data: techniques to obtain it and the shortcomings present. The
classification systems. Wide- and narrow-band photometric systems. The intrinsic properties of
stars: colours, luminosities, masses, radii, temperatures. Variable stars. Distance indicators.
Interstellar reddening. Related topics. |
PHYS*7880 Selected Topics in Astronomy (0.5) | (offered on demand) | |
PHYS*7890 Selected Topics in Astrophysics (0.5) | (offered on demand) | |
Atomic and Molecular |
PHYS*7100 Atomic Physics (0.5) | |
Emphasis on atomic structure and spectroscopy. Review of angular momentum, rotations,
Wigner-Eckart theorem, n-j symbols. Energy levels in complex atoms, Hartree-Fock theory,
radiative-transitions and inner-shell processes. Further topics selected with class interest in mind, at
least one of which is to be taken from current literature. |
PHYS*7130 Molecular Physics (0.5) | |
Angular momentum and the rotation of molecules; introduction to group theory with application to
molecular vibrations; principles of molecular spectroscopy; spectra of isolated molecules;
intermolecular interactions and their effects on molecular spectra; selected additional topics (e.g.,
electronic structure of molecules, experimental spectroscopic techniques, neutron scattering,
correlation functions, collision induced absorption, extension of group theory to molecular crystals,
normal co-ordinate analysis, etc.). |
Condensed Matter (Including Chemical Physics, and Conductivity and Superconductivity)
PHYS*7200 Liquid State Physics (0.5) | |
Physical properties of atomic liquids; distribution functions and equilibrium properties, elementary
perturbation theories and integral equation theories; simple metals, simple computer simulation;
viral expansions and thermodynamic derivatives of g(r); experimental determination of g(r). |
PHYS*7310 Solid State Physics I (0.5) | * |
Phonons, electron states, electron-electron interaction, electron-ion interaction, static properties of
solids. |
PHYS*7320 Solid State Physics II (0.5) | |
Transport properties; optical properties; magnetism; superconductivity; disordered systems. |
PHYS*7330 Selected Topics in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics (0.5) | | |
PHYS*7350 Photoconductivity and Luminescence (0.5) | |
Electron processes in crystals, photoconductive processes. Electrode effects, imperfection and
energy band transitions, scattering traps and trapping effects. Recombination kinetics,
luminescence. Experimental methods and analysis. |
PHYS*7360 Optical Properties of Semiconductors (0.5) | |
Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at dielectric and conducting interfaces.
Dispersion, absorption processes, photo effects, magneto-optical effects, emission of radiation. |
PHYS*7650 Quantum Theory of Solid Surfaces (0.5) | |
Brief historical review. Molecular orbital approach to surface and chemisorption states. Use of
Kronig-Penny, Mathieu potential and Nearly-Free-Electron models. Crystal composition,
next-nearest-neighbour interactions, sp- hybridization and applied-field effects on surface states
will be discussed. |
Biophysics |
PHYS*7510 Cellular Biophysics (0.5) | * |
The physics of cellular structure and function; membrane theories, diffusion and active transport,
bioelectric phenomena; intracellular motion, thermodynamics; selected topics of current interest
and seminar. |
PHYS*7520 Molecular Biophysics (0.5) | * |
Physical methods of determining macromolecular structure: energetics, intramolecular and
intermolecular forces, with applications to lamellar structures, information storage, DNA and RNA,
recognition and rejection of foreign molecules. |
PHYS*7530 Radiation Biophysics (0.5) | |
Physical properties and biological effects of different kinds of radiation: action of radiation on
various cellular constituents: target theory, genetic effects, repair of radiation damage, physics of
radiology and radiotherapy, isotropic tracers. |
PHYS*7540 Selected topics in Experimental Biophysics (0.5) | (offered on demand) | |
PHYS*7550 Biophysics of Organ Systems (0.5) | |
Specialized cells and organs; the nerve impulse and its propagation, muscle contraction, sensory
transducers, the central nervous system; haemodynamics, the red-blood corpuscle, homeostasis;
selected topics of current interest, and seminar. |
PHYS*7570 Special Topics in Biophysics (0.5) | (offered on demand) | |
PHYS*8900 Interuniversity Graduate Course in Biophysics (0.5) | (offered on demand) | |
Applied Physics (including Technical Methods)
PHYS*7410 Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction (0.5) | |
Introduction to electron optics and the electron microscope; kinematical and dynamical theories of
electron diffraction by perfect crystals and by crystals containing lattice imperfections, limited-area
electron diffraction, dark- field microscopy, interpretation of electron-diffraction patterns and
diffraction-contrast effects in electron microscope images, selected experimental methods in
electron microscopy. |
PHYS*7420 Basic Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (0.5) | * |
Quantum mechanics of spins in magnetic field; Bloch equations; NMR apparatus; the various
nuclear-spin interactions; spin temperature; density matrix; spin-lattice relaxation; double
resonance. |
PHYS*7450 Selected Topics in Experimental Physics (0.5) | * |
A modular course in which each module deals with an established technique of experimental
physics. Four modules will be offered during the winter and spring semesters, but registration and
credit will be in the spring semester. Typical topics are neutron diffraction, light scattering,
acoustics, molecular beams, NMR, surface analysis, etc. |
PHYS*7460 Nonlinear Optics (0.5) | |
Classical and Quantum Mechanical descriptions of nonlinear susceptibility, nonlinear wave propogation, nonlinear effects such as Peckel's and Kerr effects, harmonic generation, phase conjugation and stimulated scattering processes. |
PHYS*7480 Microprocessors in the Physics Laboratory (0.5) | |
Interfacing and programming of microprocessors for applications in physics, including signal
averaging, auto- and cross-correlation analysis, multichannel spectrum analysis, and Fourier
transformation. Consideration of hardware versus software methods for optimization of speed and
system size. |
Special Courses (offered on demand only)
PHYS*7120 Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics (0.5) | | |
PHYS*7710 Special Lecture and Reading Course (0.5) | | |
PHYS*7720 Selected Seminar and Module Course (for inter-departmental students) (0.5) | | |
PHYS*7730 Special Topics in Physics (0.5) | | |
PHYS*7750 Interinstitution Exchange (0.5) | |
At the director's discretion, a PhD student may receive course credit for a term of specialized
studies at another institution. Formal evaluation is required.
PHYS*7970 MSc Project (0.5) | |
Study of a selected topic in physics presented in the form of a written report. For students whose
MSc program consists entirely of courses