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Sociology and Anthropology

MA Program
Phd Program
Interdepartmental Programs


Ronald Hinch (625 MacKinnon, Ext. 6527)
(E-mail: rhinch@uoguelph.ca)

Graduate co-ordinator
Belinda Leach (606 MacKinnon, Ext. 8941)
(E-mail: bleach@uoguelph.ca)

Graduate secretary
Millie MacQueen (623 MacKinnon, Ext. 3895)

Graduate Faculty

J.I. (Hans) Bakker
BA South Alabama, MA Colorado State, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor

Stanley R. Barrett
BA Acadia, MA Toronto, PhD Sussex - Professor

Frederick T. Evers
BS Cornell, MS, PhD Iowa State - Associate Professor

Linda M. Gerber
BScN, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor

Edward J. Hedican
BA Lakehead, MA McMaster, PhD McGill - Associate Professor

Ronald Hinch
BA St. Mary's, MA, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor

Sally Humphries
BA, MA, PhD York - Associate Professor

Belinda Leach
BA Carleton, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor

Neil J. MacKinnon
BA Windsor, MA, PhD Illinois - Professor

Lynn McDonald
BA British Columbia, PhD London - Professor

Kenneth S. Menzies
BA Queen's, MSc London, PhD Essex - Professor

William O'Grady
BA Carleton, MA Carleton, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor

Marta Rohatynskyj
AB Wayne State, BA Carleton, MA, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor

Frans J. Schryer
BA Toronto, MA, PhD McGill - Professor

Vivian Shalla
BA Laurentian, MSc Montreal, PhD Carleton - Assistant Professor

Jane Sprott
BA Wateroo, MA, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor

Terisa Turner
HBA York (U.K.), MA Oberlin College Ohio, PhD London - Associate Professor

K. Victor Ujimoto
BSc, MA, PhD British Columbia - Professor

Anthony R. Winson
BA Western, MA, PhD Toronto - Professor

Associated Graduate Faculty
Nora Cebotarev
BSHE West Virginia, MS, PhD Pennsylvania State - University Professor Emerita

Pauline Greenhill
BA Trent, MA Memorial, PhD Texas - Professor, Women's Studies, University of Winnipeg

Linda Hunter
MA Guelph, PhD York - Canadian Studies Program Coordinator, Department of Political Science

Special Graduate Faculty
Maryann Kope
BA Wilfrid Laurier, BEd Queen's, MA Toronto - Learning services co-ordinator, Learning Services, University of Guelph

        The Department of Sociology and Anthropology offers a graduate program leading to an MA degree in the fields of sociology and cultural anthropology. The program offers both a research-based thesis option and a coursework and major paper option.

MA Program

        The MA program permits students to become actively involved in research, teaching and professional practice. The objective of the program is to offer opportunities for advanced studies and research in the fields of sociology and cultural anthropology, including the interface between the two. Although the two fields within the program represent different disciplines, there is a considerable degree of interaction and commonality between them, from both philosophical and practical viewpoints.
        Each field covers three of the following four areas of specialization:
  • Rural and development studies
  • Education, employment and the workplace
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Aboriginal studies
        Rural and development studies, which is offered under both fields, covers topics in rural studies, women and gender relations in development, the sociology and anthropology of agriculture, the political economy of rural agricultural systems, and similar topics.
        Education, employment, and the workplace is offered under the sociology field only and covers a wide range of topics including the sociology of education, attitudes and emotions concerning work roles; the sociology of work, occupations and professions; employer-sponsored training; bureaucratic and corporate structure; technology and workplace change; and industrial sociology.
        Race and ethnicity, which is covered under both fields, examines institutionalized racism, discrimination, prejudice, inter- and intra-ethnic tensions, immigration and internal migration, and the plight of minorities and refugees.
        The fourth specialization, aboriginal studies, is offered only under the field of cultural anthropology and focuses primarily on Canadian native peoples, but encourages comparative studies of aboriginal peoples around the globe. Students can pursue a wide range of topics including economic, demographic, political and cultural issues. Both ethnographic and applied work are emphasized.
        Apart from these four specializations, faculty in the department have expertise in many other areas of sociology and anthropology, including criminology, deviance, social psychology, aging and politics. A distinctive feature of the department is its emphasis on multimethod data collection and analysis. In addition to pursuing particular substantive interests, students have an excellent opportunity to conduct and integrate various qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including evaluation research and applied sociology and anthropology.

Admission Requirements
        Applicants must possess an honours BA degree or its equivalent with at least a second-class standing or 'B-' average in the final two undergraduate years. Generally, those admitted have a much higher average. Students who do not meet departmental requirements, e.g., students whose undergraduate degree does not include basic courses in sociology and/or anthropology, may be admitted provisionally and required to complete appropriate make-up courses from offerings in the undergraduate program. Students apply directly to the departmental graduate secretary for admission.

Degree Requirements
        Students must either complete a minimum of 2.0 credits and write a thesis or complete a minimum of 4.0 credits (including 1.0 credits in the Major Paper course) and write a major paper. All students are required to master basic theory and methodological skills. This is normally fulfilled by students in the sociology field through the successful completion of the courses SOC*6070 and SOC*6120 ANTH*6120 in the fall semester and SOC*6130 in the winter semester. Students in the field of cultural anthropology normally take ANTH*6080 and ANTH*6120 in the fall semester and ANTH*6140 in the winter semester.
        Students typically begin their studies in the fall semester. You will be assigned an interim adviser who is a likely candidate to be your adviser, given your stated area of interest. When you arrive, the graduate co-ordinator will inform you as to which faculty members, on the basis of their areas of specialization, are likely candidates for membership on your advisory committee. Until you have formed your advisory committee, your interim advisor will fill out your evaluation reports. It is strongly recommended, that you choose your permanent adviser by the end of the first semester and the rest of your committee by the middle of the second semester.
        In their first fall semester, all students are required to pass the Pro-Seminar (ANTH*6700 or SOC*6700), a course graded on a satisfactory/ unsatisfactory basis which is intended to introduce students to the department, the university, and the professions of sociology and anthropology.

PhD Program

Rural Studies PhD Program
        The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is a major participant in the PhD program in rural studies in the field of sustainable rural communities. Included in the graduate faculty for this program are J.I. Bakker, E.A. Cebotarev, S. Humphries, L. McDonald, F.J. Schryer, T. Turner and A.R. Winson. This program will provide opportunities for students to be advised by these departmental faculty. PhD students will enroll in the interdepartmental rural studies program; those with advisers in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology will be accommodated in the facilities of the department. Please consult the Rural Studies listing for a detailed description.

Interdepartmental Programs

International Development Studies Collaborative MA Program
        The Department of Sociology and Anthropology participates in the MA program in collaborative international development studies (CIDS). Students in this option register in both the department and CIDS. Those faculty members whose research and teaching expertise includes aspects of international development studies may serve as advisers for MA students. Please consult the International Development Studies listing for a detailed description of the MA collaborative program and the special additional requirements for each of the participating departments.

NOTE: Courses in this department are designated as anthropology (prefix ANTH*-), sociology (prefix SOC*-) or either anthropology or sociology (ANTH*- or SOC*-). For the latter, students in the cultural anthropology field normally register in the ANTH*- alternative and students in the sociology field normally register in the SOC*- alternative.

Course/(Credit Value) Term Course Description
Core courses for students in both fields
ANTH*6120 or SOC*6120
Research Methodology (0.5)
   The critical review of current methodological issues, such as research design, the ethics of social research, model building, formulation of hypotheses, causal inference, operationalization of concepts, measurement of variables, sampling, and techniques of data collection and analysis. The objectives are to enable students to be able to (1) critically analyze research results reported in sociological and anthropological literature and (2) formulate and conduct research projects in their areas of specialization.
ANTH*6700 or SOC*6700
Proseminar (0.0)
   The proseminar concerns matters involved in graduate studies and later work as a professional sociologist or anthropologist, including how to form a graduate advisory committee, assistantship responsibilities, presentation skills preparation of research proposals for theses and major papers, exploration of careers in sociology and anthropology, writing grant proposals, reports and articles, and teaching. Faculty participate and discuss their research or teaching interests.
Core courses in the sociology field
Sociological Theory (0.5)
   Classical and contemporary theoretical perspectives and their inter-relationships. A central concern will be to develop the student's ability to assess theory critically and to understand how theory and research relate to each other.
Quantitative Research (0.5)
   The application of multiple regression to data generated by nonexperimental research, e.g., survey data and data from other sources (census, archival). In large part a course in theory construction, a thorough grounding in the mechanics and statistical assumptions of multiple regression is followed by its application to the construction of structural equation (or causal) models representing substantive theories in sociology and related disciplines.
Core courses in cultural anthropology field
Anthropological Theory (0.5)
   An examination of classical and contemporary anthropological theory, including an emphasis on the most recent directions in the discipline.
Qualitative Methods (0.5)
   An examination of the methods of qualitative research, including participant observation and unstructured interviews, as well as the ethical considerations of fieldwork. Other topics, such as comparative and historical methods, may be included.
Rural and Development Studies
Culture and Technology (0.5)
   A cultural interpretation of technology in industrial and industrializing societies. An examination of the impact of various types of technology on women and men in a development context. This is one of two alternative core courses for the collaborative international development studies program.
ANTH*6420 or SOC*6420
Social Change in Rural Agricultural Systems (0.5)
   The examination of different theoretical models that have been used to explain changes in the rural sector of both developed, industrial countries and the Third World. Case studies to illustrate different types of rural agricultural systems and how they change (including forms of land tenure and rural social stratification) may include both historical and contemporary examples.
ANTH*6460 or SOC*6460
Women and Development (0.5)
   Cross-cultural and historical changes in gender relations and the roles/positions of women brought about by industrialization and the development of the world system. Critical examination of the predominant theories of gender relations, in so far as these inform development research and action in societies with different socio-economic systems. Introduction to the latest theories and research in the area of women and development, as well as with social and political actions undertaken by women themselves. This is one of the two alternative core courses for the Collaborative International Development Studies program.
Environmental Sociology (0.5)
   The main objective of this course is to provide students with the advanced sociological knowledge (conceptual and methodological) needed for the understanding and analysis of complex relationships between society and its natural and constructed environments, their systemic and reciprocal interactions, and the implications of government policies and public attitudes on socio-economic and environmental sustainability.
Education, Employment and the Workplace
Studies of Social Institutions (0.5)
   A course offered from time to time, with varying content and teaching approaches, focusing on specific social institutions, such as education, work, or the family.
Sociology of Organizations (0.5)
   The sociology of organizations focuses on the structure of organizations and how organizations interrelate to form networks, industries, and coalitions. This course begins with an examination of social organizational theory, introduces specific theories of complex organizations (classical, humanistic, and contingency), and investigates contemporary issues facing Canadian organizations (co-operatives, voluntary associations, government bureaucracies, pressure groups, as well as profit-oriented companies).
Race and Ethnicity, and Aboriginal Studies
ANTH*6270 or SOC*6270
Native, Race and Ethnic Studies (0.5)
   Graduate students are expected to apply theory and a range of methods to the analysis of ethnic, racial and native issues in contemporary society. Students acquire a deeper understanding of socio-economic, political and policy matters as well as the structure and dynamics of intergroup relations.
ANTH*6470 or SOC*6470
Applied Sociology and Anthropology (0.5)
   Application of advanced theoretical and methodological approaches of sociology and anthropology and evaluation research to selected contemporary social issues. Various models in which social science is applied in nonacademic settings will be examined. Students will be provided with the opportunity to develop and test social change models which address selected issues.
ANTH*6550 or SOC*6550
Selected Topics in Theory and Research (0.5)
   This course will be offered with varying content focusing on theory or research.
ANTH*6600 or SOC*6600
Reading Course (0.5)
   A program of directed reading, complemented with the writing of papers or participation in research. Reading courses are arranged by students through their advisers or advisory committees and must be approved by the chair of the department. This course may be repeated provided different content is involved.
ANTH*6660 or SOC*6660
Major Paper (1.0)
   The major paper is an extensive research paper for those who do not elect to complete a thesis. It may be taken over two semesters.


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