Literary Studies/Theatre Studies in English
PhD Program
Director Daniel Fischlin
(University of Guelph, 439 Mackinnon Building, Ext. 53267)
(E-mail: dfischli@uoguelph.ca )
Graduate officer - Laurier Eleanor Ty (Wilfrid Laurier University, 519-884-0710 Ext. 3581 ) (E-mail: ety@wlu.ca)
Graduate officer - Guelph
Danny O'Quinn (University of Guelph, Ext. 53250)
(E-mail: doquinn@uoguelph.ca )
Graduate secretary - Laurier Joanne Buehler-Buchan (Wilfrid Laurier University, 519-884-0710 Ext. 3257) english@wlu.ca
Graduate secretary - Guelph
Sharon Ballantyne (University of Guelph, Ext. 56315)
Graduate Faculty
Christine Bold MA Edinburgh, PhD University College London - Professor and Co-Director of the School
Peter A. Brigg BA Bishop's, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Susan I. Brown BA King's College and Dalhousie, MA Dalhousie, PhD Alberta - Associate Professor
Elaine Chang BA UBC, AM, PhD Stanford - Assistant Professor
Romita Choudhury BA, MA Jadavpour University, MA, PhD Alberta - Assistant Professor
Alan D. Filewod BA York, MA Alberta, PhD Toronto - Professor
Daniel Fischlin BFA, MA Concordia, PhD York - Professor and Director of the Joint PhD Program
Kenneth W. Graham BA Royal Military College, MPhil, PhD London - Professor
Ajay Heble BA Innis College (Toronto), MA Dalhousie, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Patrick J. Holland BA Victoria (Wellington), MA Auckland, MA, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Helen Hoy BA, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Michael H. Keefer BA Royal Military College, MA Toronto, DPhil Sussex - Associate Professor
Thomas King BA, MA Chico State, PhD Utah - Associate Professor
Ric Knowles BA, MA, PhD Toronto - Professor
Janice Kulyk Keefer BA, MA Toronto, DPhil Sussex - Professor
Harry Lane BA Durham, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor and Co-Director of the School
Gerald F. Manning BA, MA Alberta, PhD Queen's - Associate Professor
Paul A. Mulholland BA, MA Toronto, PhD Birmingham - Associate Professor
Daniel O'Quinn BSc, MA Western, PhD York - Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator
François Paré BA Montréal, PhD SUNY, Buffalo - Professor
Donna Palmateer Pennee BA, MA Guelph, PhD McGill - Associate Professor
Mary H. Rubio BA DePauw, MA Illinois, PhD McMaster - Professor
J.R. (Tim) Struthers BA, MA, PhD Western Ontario - Associate Professor
Ann Wilson BA, MA, PhD York - Associate Professor
The following members of Wilfrid Laurier University are members of the
Gary Boire BA Loyola, MA, PhD McMaster - Professor & Chair of the English Department
Jodey Castricano BA, MA Simon Fraser, PhD UBC - Associate Professor
Viviana Comensoli BA, MA Simon Fraser, PhD UBC - Professor
Maria DiCenzo BA McMaster, MA Queen's, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Joel Faflak BA, MA, PhD Western Ontario - Assistant Professor
Edwin Jewinski BA, MA Waterloo, PhD Toronto - Professor
Michael Moore BA, MA Carleton, PhD Queen's - Professor
Leslie O'Dell BA Queen's, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Anne Russell BA Trent, MA, PhD York - Associate Professor
Lynn Shakinovsky BA Witwatersrand, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Rowland Smith BA Natal, MA Oxon, PhD Natal - Professor & Vice-President, Academic
Paul Tiessen BA Laurier, MA, PhD Alberta - Professor
Eleanor Ty BA Toronto, MA, PhD McMaster - Professor & Graduate Chair
Christl Verduyn BA Trent, MA, PhD Ottawa - Professor
Robin Waugh BA, MA Manitoba, PhD Queen's - Assistant Professor
James Weldon BA, MA New Brunswick, PhD Queen's - Associate Professor
- Admission Requirements
     Admission to the Joint PhD Program normally requires an MA in English, an MA in Drama/Theatre, or an equivalent degree with at least an A- average in graduate work. Applications are considered by the Joint PhD Program Committee and a recommendation to admit or decline is forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies at the proposed home university.
- Program Requirements
     Although students might choose either Literary Studies or Theatre Studies, innovative opportunities exist in the program to pursue work across these traditional disciplinary boundaries. The degree requirements consist of three one-semester (0.5 credit) graduate courses normally taken in the first year of the program; one general area seminar (0.5 credit) culminating in a written candidacy exam and a colloquium presentation; one intensive area seminar (1.0 credit) culminating in an oral and written candidacy exam; and a dissertation (2.0 credits). For purposes of the Joint PhD Program, the qualifying examination related to the student's knowledge of the subject area and field shall consist of the oral and written candidacy exam for the intensive area seminar.
Area Seminars
     The area seminars are structured directed-reading courses in two different fields, intended to provide concentrated training in the student's expected areas of research concentration and preparation for the written examination at the conclusion of each area seminar. The seminars involve regular consultations between the student and the seminar director. The general area seminar will normally be taken during the second and third semesters of the program (year one). The intensive area seminar will normally be taken in the fourth and fifth semesters of the program and will culminate in the oral candidacy examination (year two).
General Area Seminar (Year One)
     The general area seminar explores an area in a field other than that in which the student has chosen to specialize and write a dissertation. The seminar emphasizes thorough general knowledge of the area's scope, relevant theoretical frameworks, and research methodologies, with due regard to the student's own teaching, research interests, and critical perspectives. The reading and other activities proceed in close consultation with an advisory committee consisting of an assigned area seminar director (who will normally be a faculty member other than the anticipated dissertation supervisor) and two other faculty members. The area seminar director is selected from the core faculty in the student's resident institution, while the two faculty members may be from one or both institutions. This advisory committee, together with the Director of the Joint PhD Program, comprise the student's candidacy examination committee.
A written take-home candidacy examination is to be completed in a two-week period, normally in June of year one. The student designs course outlines for junior and senior undergraduate courses in the area of specialization, submits a rationale for the selection and organization of materials, an outline of and justification for theoretical approaches, and an account of pedagogical strategies for the proposed courses. A theoretical or critical essay that develops from the student's engagement with the texts included in the proposed course outlines is submitted.
Evaluation of General Area Seminar:
Report by Seminar Director -- 60% based on reading, consultation, and written work
Formal colloquium -- 40% includes written versions
Intensive Area Seminar (Year Two)
     The intensive area seminar involves individualized, directed study of the immediate literary, cultural, and theoretical contexts of the student's approved dissertation subject. Ordinarily, the assigned seminar director is the confirmed dissertation supervisor. Two additional faculty members serve in an advisory capacity, and together with two additional members of the graduate faculty (at least one of whom must be a member of the unit), plus the Director of the Joint PhD Program or the chair of the academic unit, form the candidacy examination committee. The intensive area seminar ensures that the student's dissertation work is supported by a broad and contextualized understanding of the primary materials associated with the area of specialization and dissertation.
Students are required to make two presentations: an informal seminar in December and a formal colloquium in April. Candidacy examination II is normally held in May of year two and consists of a written scholarly theoretical or critical paper on an approved topic that stems from the research undertaken for the intensive area seminar. The examination is followed by an oral examination that contributes to the final grade. Both the written and oral examinations for the intensive area seminar shall constitute the qualifying examination. Upon satisfactory completion of these examinations the student is deemed to have met the Joint PhD Program standards and becomes a candidate for the PhD degree.
Evaluation of Intensive Area Seminar
2 end-of-semester reports (20% per term) -- 40% based on reading, consultation, written work
Informal presentation (December Year 2) -- 25% including written versions
Formal colloquium (April Year 2) -- 35% including written versions
Progress Reports
     At the end of the first year of registration (usually in May) and once a year thereafter, a student is required to complete an annual research progress report detailing the achievements of the previous year and the objectives for the next year. The report must demonstrate satisfactory progress, and must be signed with comments by the supervisor and Director of the Joint PhD Program, and filed with both the program director and the Graduate Studies Office of the home university. Failure to submit a satisfactory report may result in the student being required to withdraw from the program.
It is the responsibility of the advisor to submit evaluation reports every semester to the Joint PhD Program Committee and, when there are concerns or when the progress being made is unsatisfactory, to the appropriate Office of Graduate Studies.
PhD Dissertation
     Following successful completion of the two Area Seminars, the student must complete an original research project on an advanced topic. The advisory committee for the dissertation will consist of three members of the graduate faculty, one of whom will assume the primary supervisory role. The dissertation should normally be between 50,000 and 75,000 words in length. The regulations and procedures at the university in which the student is registered will govern both the dissertation and the examination formats.
Language Requirement
     Students will be required to demonstrate reading knowledge of one language other than English, as approved by the Joint PhD Program Committee. Assessment of the student's reading knowledge will be based on the student's translation (with the help of a dictionary) of a critical passage, and a written analysis (in English) of the passage's critical implications. Evidence that a student has already demonstrated similar language ability at another university prior to admission may be submitted to the Joint PhD Program Committee with a request to have the language requirement waived. Credit will be given to any student who has fulfilled the language requirement through an MA-level examination. Credit will not normally be given for the completion of a university-level language course.
Typically the language requirement will be completed by the end of the second semester of study, and no later than the third semester (year one). A student who fails the language examination twice will normally be required to withdraw from the program.
Residency Regulations
     At least five semesters of full-time study must be devoted to the doctoral program following the completion of a recognized Master's degree.
Course/(Credit Value) |
Term |
Course Description |
LTS*7770 Language Requirement (0.0) | |
A written demonstration of a student's reading knowledge of one language other than English, as approved by the Joint PhD Program Committee. |
LTS*7800 General Area Seminar (0.5) | |
A directed-reading course to provide concentrated training in an area of research other than the student's expected area of research concentration. This seminar emphasizes thorough general knowledge of a chosen area's scope, theoretical frameworks, and research methodologies. The course is normally taken during the first year of a student's program. |
LTS*7820 Intensive Area Seminar (1.0) | |
A reading course intended to provide concentrated training in the student's expected area of research concentration. This seminar involves individualized, directed study of the immediate literary, cultural, and theoretical contexts of the student's approved dissertation subject. The course is normally taken in the second year of a student's PhD program. |
LTS*7900 Directed Studies (0.5) | |
The study of a special topic under the guidance of a member of the graduate faculty.
LTS*7990 Doctoral Dissertation (2.0) | |
Submission and defense of an acceptable thesis, written by the PhD candidate, on the research carried out by the candidate on an approved topic. The thesis is expected to be a significant contribution to knowledge in its field and the candidate must indicate in what ways it is a contribution.
Courses Offered at the University of Guelph*
DRMA*6020 Canadian Drama in English
DRMA*6040 Quebec and Franco-Canadian Drama
DRMA*6050 Special Studies in Canadian Drama
DRMA*6060 Aspects of Canadian Theatre History
DRMA*6080 Special Studies in Canadian Theatre
DRMA*6090 Aspects of Theatre in Early-Modern England
DRMA*6100 English Drama to 1642
DRMA*6120 Aspects of 20th-Century Theatre
DRMA*6130 Aspects of 19th-Century Drama
DRMA*6140 Aspects of 20th-Century Drama
DRMA*6150 Special Studies in Theatre History
DRMA*6180 Aspects of 19th-Century Theatre
DRMA*6190 Special Studies in Drama
DRMA*6220 Aspects of the Theory of Drama, Theatre, and Performance
DRMA*6801 Reading Course I
DRMA*6802 Reading Course II
ENGL*6002 Topics in the History of Criticism
ENGL*6003 Problems in Literary Analysis
ENGL*6201 Topics in Canadian Literature
ENGL*6209 Topics in Commonwealth/Postcolonial Literature
ENGL*6412 Topics in Medieval/Renaissance Literature
ENGL*6421 Topics in 18th-Century and Romantic Literature
ENGL*6431 Topics in 19th-Century Literature
ENGL*6441 Topics in Modern British Literature
ENGL*6451 Topics in American Literature
ENGL*6611 Topics in Women's Writing
ENGL*6621 Topics in Children's Literature
ENGL*6641 Topics in Scottish Literature
ENGL*6691 Interdisciplinary Study
ENGL*6811 Special Topics in English
ENGL*6801 Reading Course I
ENGL*6802 Reading Course II
* N.B. all courses, except for the Intensive Area Seminar and the Dissertation, are weighted 0.5.
Courses Offered at Wilfrid Laurier University*
WLU*600E Research Methods, Theory, and Professional Issues
WLU*601E Fiction by Contemporary British Women
WLU*602E Gender and Genre in Renaissance Drama
WLU*603E American Women Writers
WLU*604E The Gender of Modernism
WLU*605E Representations of Gender in Victorian Literature
WLU*606E Theatrical Images of Gender
WLU*607E Ideologies of Genre in 19th-Century Literature
WLU*608E Women Writers of the 17th Century
WLU*610E Feminist Theory and Women's Writing
WLU*621E The Nature Lyric: Genre and Gender
WLU*622E British Feminist Drama in the 20th Century
WLU*623E Film Genre and Feminist Theory
WLU*624E Medieval Dream Vision Narrative
WLU*625E Medieval Romance
WLU*626E Postcoloniality: Theory and Practice
WLU*628E The Dramatic Experience
WLU*629E Canadian Documents and Canadian Poems
WLU*630E Modernism to Postmodernism
WLU*632E Renaissance Domestic Tragedy
WLU*634E Dramatic Comedy of the 17th Century
WLU*635E The Gothic
WLU*640E Reading Theory
WLU*641E Voices of the Diaspora
WLU*690E Directed Studies
WLU*691E Special Topics in Gender
WLU*692E Special Topics in Genre
* N.B. All courses, except for the Intensive Area Seminar and the Dissertation, are weighted 0.5.
The Office of Graduate Studies has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this
on-line Graduate Calendar. However, the publication of information in this document does not
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listed herein. Other limitations apply.