Appendix A - Courses
Landscape Architecture
LARC*6010 Landscape Architecture Studio I F [0.50]
Integrated field and studio instruction introduces the student to landscape architecture through acquisition of basic skills and knowledge. Topics include history, site surveying, landscape inventory and analysis, site design, graphic communication, introductory design, sculpture, and model building. |
LARC*6020 Landscape Architecture Studio II F [0.50]
Integrated field and studio instruction, and case studies leads the student through advanced site design, basic materials and techniques, design theory, and design principles. |
Prerequisite(s): |
Students are required to satisfy a woody plants requirement either through the course HORT*3260 or equivalent. |
LARC*6030 Landscape Architecture Studio III W [0.50]
Integrated field and studio instruction emphasizes design concept formulation, visual communication, computer application in design, and introductions to urban and rural greenways design, community design, facilitation, and presentation. |
LARC*6120 Advanced Design W [0.50]
Theory, methods and practice in site planning and design, human settlement, and planting design. Projects typically address open space design, conservation and community design at the small and intermediate scale in urban, suburban or rural settings. Case study component will include some travel at the student's expense. |
LARC*6380 Research Seminar W [0.25]
A capstone course whose content is directed by the research of the participants. Participants will organize a conference at which they will present their research results. |
LARC*6430 Landscape Resource Analysis F [0.50]
Integrated field and classroom instruction introduces the student to inventory and analysis of biological, physical, social and cultural elements of the landscape. Projects will incorporate principles of landscape ecology and landscape planning. Field study will require some travel at student's expense. |
LARC*6440 Plants and Environment F [0.50]
This course integrates field and classroom study to apply landscape ecology to current landscape problems, including analysis of regional landscapes, restoration of degraded landscapes, and application of aesthetic and ecological principles across scales in site to regional settings. Case studies component will require some travel at students' expense. |
LARC*6470 Integrative Environmental Planning W [0.50]
Landscape planning emphasizing the integration and interrelationships between biophysical and cultural resources, with application at a regional landscape planning scale. This course typically incorporates community-outreach projects and develops student facilitation abilities. |
LARC*6600 Critical Inquiry & Research Analysis W [0.50]
Students are introduced to critical inquiry as a method of evaluating information, design, and planning. The focus of the course is on the quantification and analysis of research data. Modelling and simulation are introduced and discussed in the context of planning, design, and research. |
LARC*6610 Research Methods F [0.50]
An introduction to a broad array of research methods as they apply to landscape planning and design. The focus of the course is on the connections between research and design and is context-based learning. The emphasis is on developing foundations for the creation of appropriate research questions. |
LARC*6710 Special Study S,F,W [0.50]
Independent study. A proposal for the content and product required for this course must be developed in conjunction with the student's Advisory Committee. |