2004-2006 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs


Administrative Staff

MBA Graduate Programs
Faculty of Management
105 FACS
Guelph, ON
N1G 2W1
Toll free: 1-888-622-2474
Local: 519-824-4120
Fax: 519-836-0661
Interim Associate Dean of the Faculty of Management
Joe Barth (207 MINS, Ext. 54867)
Director of Graduate Programs
Ralph Sykes (150 Research Lane, Suite 205, Ext. 56630)
Manager of Graduate Programs
Patti Lago (150 Research Lane, Suite 205, Ext. 56607)
Graduate Program Co-ordinator (Distance Program)
Erna van Duren (320 MACS, Ext. 52100)
Course Production Co-ordinator (Distance Program)
Kim Mitz (105 MINS, Ext. 53415)