VIII. Graduate ProgramsChemistryMSc ProgramAdmission RequirementsNon-Canadian applicants whose first language is not English are required to submit evidence of proficiency in the English language or pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 580 is required. MSc ProgramAn applicant is eligible for admission to the MSc program if he/she has an honours bachelor of science degree, or the equivalent, with first- or upper second-class standing from an accredited university. MSc Co-operative OptionAn applicant is eligible for admission to the MSc co-operative option if he/she is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and has honours bachelor of science degree, or the equivalent, with first- or upper second-class standing from an accredited university. The co-op MSc option is not available to students who have completed a co-op program as undergraduates. These students are, however, eligible for admission to the co-op PhD program. Degree RequirementsMSc ProgramStudents must successfully complete at least four semester-long graduate courses, one of which is MSc Seminar, CHEM*7940, and submit and defend an acceptable thesis. MSc Co-operative OptionThe academic requirements are the same as in the regular MSc program, but at least two of the required four semester-long courses (including CHEM*7940) must be completed during the first two semesters of study. The student will spend the following two semesters (eight months) working in an industrial or government laboratory, upon completion of which he/she must present an acceptable work report. After returning to campus, the student will complete his/her course work and research and prepare the MSc thesis. Part-Time Course-Based MSc Program |