VIII. Graduate Programs
Economic Theory
ECON*6000 Microeconomic Theory I U [0.50]
A first graduate course in microeconomics, presenting a rigorous treatment of consumer theory, producer theory, applications of duality, partial equilibrium, general equilibrium and the fundamental theorems of welfare economics. |
ECON*6010 Microeconomic Theory II U [0.50]
Advanced topics in modern microeconomics to include elements of game theory, information economics, economics of risk and uncertainty, the theory of incentives and others. |
Prerequisite(s): |
ECON*6000. |
ECON*6020 Macroeconomic Theory I U [0.50]
A first graduate course in macroeconomics, presenting a rigorous treatment of aggregate consumption, investment, government budgets, money demand and supply, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, inflation and unemployment, and open economy issues. |
ECON*6040 Macroeconomic Theory II U [0.50]
This course considers the dynamics resulting from intertemporal optimization models. Foundations of unemployment theory. Approaches to business cycles. Models of long-run growth. |
Prerequisite(s): |
ECON*6020 |
ECON*6110 Mathematical Economics U [0.50]
This course introduces students to the mathematical techniques used in advanced economic analysis. Topics covered in any year: analysis of dynamic economic models and optimization in dynamic economic models. |
ECON*6050 Introduction to Econometric Methods U [0.50]
Introduction to the specification, estimation and testing of economic models. Topics include the classical linear regression model, t tests, structure tests, specification error, the consequences of the violation of the classical assumptions, detection and correction of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. |
ECON*6140 Econometrics I U [0.50]
Topics include a review of the classical linear regression model, applications of generalized least squares, maximum likelihood methods and various statistical test procedures. |
ECON*6160 Econometrics II U [0.50]
Topics include maximum likelihood as a method of estimation and inference, nonlinear estimation and simultaneous equations. Also more specialized topics such as limited-dependent-variable models and non-parametric regression methods may be covered. |
ECON*6170 Topics in Econometrics U [0.50]
This is an advanced econometrics topics course that covers the area of non-parametric and semiparametric estimation and testing of econometrics models, including time series and panel data semiparametric models. |
ECON*6180 Econometric Methods U [0.50]
This course follows ECON*6050. It covers estimation by instrumental variables, estimations of simultaneous systems, asymptotic distribution theory, maximum likelihood estimation, binary choice and limited dependent variable models, and issues in time series analysis. |
Economic History
ECON*6200 Economic History U [0.50]
This course considers topics in economic history which vary from year to year. The emphasis will be usually on late-19th or 20th century topics and often involves a world emphasis. Student presentations and papers form a large part of the course. |
ECON*6370 Economic Development in Historical Perspective U [0.50]
This course will examine the experience of economic development focusing on the emergence of the Third World. Topics for discussion will vary from year to year; they may include the impact of trade expansion during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the role of manufacturing as a leading sector, statist vs. the new classical approaches to government policy, and others. |
Money and Finance
ECON*6320 International Finance U [0.50]
This course deals with the theoretical policy and issues of international finance. Topics may include exchange rate determination, capital flows in international markets, the financing of trade flows, and open economy macroeconomic models and policy issues. |
ECON*6490 Monetary and Finance Theory U [0.50]
This course examines selected topics in monetary and finance theory. Topics may include: contingent claims markets, arbitrage asset-pricing, portfolio models, firm capital structure, government debt, real business cycles, cash-in-advance models, spatial money models, overlapping generations models, and traditional models of the demand and supply of money and monetary policy. |
Environmental and Resource Economics
Labour Economics
ECON*6600 Labour Economics U [0.50]
Major themes in labour market theory including static and dynamic labour demand and supply, migration and wage structures and dynamics, unemployment, migration and the role of social programs. |
ECON*6610 Topics in Labour Economics U [0.50]
This course complements ECON*6600. Topics include advanced issues in family labour supply, human capital, wage bargaining and contract theory, search theory, duration analysis and its application to major labour market spells such as employment and unemployment. |
Environmental and Resource Economics
ECON*6800 Environmental Economics U [0.50]
A topics course concerning the interrelationships between economic activities and the state of the natural environment. Topics may include: pollution and economic growth; energy use and environmental quality; international trade and pollution; policies for controlling pollution; techniques for assessing the benefits of environmental improvement. |
ECON*6810 Economics of Non-Renewable Resources U [0.50]
This course examines economic models of the use of non-renewable resources to analyze issues such as resource conservation, sustainable development, taxation of resource rents, and price determination in resource markets. |
ECON*6300 International Trade Theory U [0.50]
This course provides a rigorous treatment of both positive and normative aspects of trade theory through extensive use of general equilibrium models under varying assumptions. Topics may also include barriers to trade, international factor movements, growth and development, and strategic trade policy. |
ECON*6400 Public Finance U [0.50]
This course surveys the normative theory of the public sector. Topics may include public expenditure theory, tax theory, cost benefit analysis and fiscal federalism. |
ECON*6650 Economics of Social Welfare U [0.50]
This course deals with the analysis of social welfare programs, concentrating on national health insurance. It covers their structure, incentives and distribution effects, and includes empirical analysis of existing programs. |
ECON*6700 Industrial and Market Organization U [0.50]
The major topics of industrial organization are analyzed from both a game theoretic perspective and from a Structure-Conduct-Performance perspective. Typical topics include: oligopoly theory, determinants of industrial structure, Coase theorem, market entry, advertising, research and development, product differentiation, and price discrimination. |
ECON*6750 Managerial Economics U [0.50]
The course introduces students to the latest developments in the economic analysis of the inside workings and organization of firms. The course tries to explain the diversity of economic organizations, and more generally why economic activity is sometimes carried out through firms and sometimes through markets. For graduate students outside the Department of Economics. |
ECON*6770 Financial Management U [0.50]
This course examines the implications of financing decisions made by firms in a world of uncertainty. Topics such as capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, market efficiency and capital asset pricing will be analyzed from the perspective of corporate finance and portfolio management theory. Co-requisite: AGEC*6070. For graduate students outside the Department of Economics. |
ECON*6940 Research Project U [1.00]
All students who choose the research project option in the MA program will register in this course. Research projects are written under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Normally, research projects are completed within one or two semesters. Students must make a presentation of their work and a copy of the final report must be submitted to the Department before the final grade is submitted to Graduate Program Services. |
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