2004-2006 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs


MA Leadership

The MA (Leadership) focuses on the challenges facing leaders in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, with an emphasis on the interaction between, and interdependency of, these spheres. Successful completion of the MA (Leadership) degree involves a comprehensive program of theoretical study backed by significant practical experience and analysis. Participants will also undertake a formal self-assessment process to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses and their ultimate leadership potential.

As a full cost recovery program, the MA (Leadership) is designed to enable mid-career professionals to complete a graduate degree without interrupting their careers. Web-based distance courses are combined with three one-week residency programs and the completion of a major research project.

Admission Requirements

Admission as a student is granted, on recommendation of the Faculty of Management, to:

  1. The holder of an honours baccalaureate or its equivalent (from a recognized university or college) with an average standing of at least a “B” in the last four semesters or the last two undergraduate years (full-time or equivalent). Normally, at least five years of work experience involving leadership opportunity is required.

  2. The holder of: - a general degree and/or; - a community college diploma and/or; - an acceptable professional designation, having completed at least seven years of work experience involving leadership opportunity.

Meeting the minimum criteria for admission does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Limitations of funds, space, facilities or personnel may make it necessary for the University, at its discretion, to refuse admission to an otherwise qualified applicant.

Applicants for the program must have confirmed access to appropriate computer hardware and software. The computer equipment to be used by participants must have adequate peripherals to support the learning system, including CD-ROM capability and a sound card. For information pertaining to computer equipment and software requirements contact the Faculty of Management Office of Graduate Programs. Participants are solely responsible to arrange for the purchase and maintenance of the recommended computer system and software.

Degree Requirements

On average participants allot 20 to 25 hours per week to study and participate in the program. This is an approximate number of hours and may vary depending on personal learning style. Participants normally complete the MA (Leadership) in 25 months. Normally, course modules are eight weeks in length and are completed in a pre-determined sequence, but some variations exist. Participants must complete the program within four years of commencement.

The MA (Leadership) involves a challenging combination of course work and a research-based project. Six web-based courses (3.0 credits) and two residency courses (1.0 credit) must be completed, followed by the major research project (1.0 credit). Faculty and senior executives at the participant’s workplace often jointly supervise the research project. The project requires a literature review, data collection, data analysis, and culminates in a major paper that is presented to faculty and other program participants.