2004-2006 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs


Interdepartmental Programs

MSc (Aquaculture) Interdepartmental Program

The Department participates in the master of science in aquaculture program. Professor Stevenson is a member of the Aquaculture Interdepartmental Group. Her research and teaching expertise includes aspects of aquaculture; she may serve as advisor for MSc (Aquaculture) students. Please consult the Aquaculture listing for a detailed description of the MSc (Aquaculture) interdepartmental program.

Biophysics MSc/PhD Program

The Department participates in the MSc/PhD programs in biophysics. Professors Beveridge, Whitfield and Wood are members of the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group. These faculty members' research and teaching expertise includes aspects of biophysics; they may serve as advisors for MSc and PhD students in biophysics. Please consult the Biophysics listing for a detailed description of the graduate programs offered by the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group.