VIII. Graduate ProgramsSociology and AnthropologyMA ProgramThe MA program permits students to become actively involved in research, teaching and professional practice. The objective of the program is to offer opportunities for advanced studies and research in sociology. The Master of Arts program in Sociology covers the following:
Rural Community and Development StudiesThis area includes rural sociology and rural development (Canada and international), women and gender relations in development, anthropology of development, sociology of agriculture and of the rural community, community development, political economy of rural agricultural systems and the like, agro-food systems, environment, subsistence and commodification. Work and Change in Global ContextThis area incorporates sociology of work, the workplace, political economy, labour markets, transition from school to work, skills and lifelong learning, technological change, women and work, work and economic restructuring, the labour movement, labour process and social policy. Criminology and Criminal JusticeThis area covers sociology of policing, corrections and penology, violent crime, sociology of law, criminological theory, critical criminology, street youth, young offenders, gender and offending, and criminal justice theory. Gender, Diversity and Social EqualityThis area includes gender and women's studies, Aboriginal studies, indigenous peoples, native studies, class, stratification, citizenship, power, race, minorities, ethnicity, social movements, hermeneutics, and religion. Application ProcedureGraduate students are admitted each fall semester (approximately 15 students). The deadline for application is February 1 each year. The application fee is currently $75 in the form of a certified cheque or money order. Information required is as follows:
You may apply in one of three ways: NOTE: This is a self-administerd application process. Please have all materials (reference letters, transcripts, application form, letter of intent) returned to you and you put everything in one envelope and send to the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Graduate Program Secretary. Admission RequirementsApplicants must possess an Honours BA (4 years) degree or its equivalent with at least a second-class standing or 'B-' average in the final two undergraduate years. Generally, those admitted have a much higher average. Students who do not meet departmental requirements, e.g., students whose undergraduate degree does not include basic courses in sociology and/or anthropology, may be admitted provisionally and required to complete appropriate make-up courses from offerings in the undergraduate program. Degree RequirementsStudents must either complete a minimum of 2.0 credits and write a thesis or complete a minimum of 4.0 credits (including 1.0 credit in the Major Paper course) and write a major paper. All students are required to master basic theory and methodological skills. This is normally fulfilled through the successful completion of the courses SOC*6070 and SOC*6130 in the winter semester. Students typically begin their studies in the fall semester. You will be assigned an interim advisor who is a likely candidate to be your advisor, given your stated area of interest. When you arrive, the graduate coordinator will inform you as to which faculty members, on the basis of their areas of specialization, are likely candidates for membership on your advisory committee. Until you have formed your advisory committee, your interim advisor will fill out your evaluation reports. It is strongly recommended, that you choose your permanent advisor by the end of the first semester and the rest of your committee by the middle of the second semester. In their first fall semester, all students are required to pass the Pro-Seminar (ANTH*6700 or SOC*6700), a course graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis which is intended to introduce students to the department, the university, and the professions of sociology and anthropology. |