2004-2006 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar


June 18, 2004

Chapter II General Regulations

Modifications were made throughout entire chapter.

Chapter IV Degree Regulations

Modifications were made throughout entire chapter.

Chapter VII Fees

Changes to University Non-Academic Fees

Chapter VIII Graduate Programs

Addition of charts for Degree Programs listed by College and Division.

The following modifications were made:

  • UNIV*6710 Commercialization of Innovation: new course

    AGBU*6510: title change and added restriction.

  • ENGG*6080 Engineering Seminar: SAT/UNS for grade

    ENGG*6160 Advanced Food Engineering: remove prerequisite

    FRAN*6180 Resarch in Couple and Family Assessment and Intervention: new course

    CROP*6010 Physiology of Crop Yield: offered even years

    CROP*6400 Seminar: change in credit (previous typing error)

    CROP*6500 Applied Bioinformatics: new course

    FRAN*6070: instructor signature required.

    FSQA*6000 Food Safety and Quality Assurance Seminar: change in credit (previous typing error)

    HBNS*6320: semester designation change.

    HTM*6140 Foundations of Human Resource Management: new course

    HTM*6170 Hospitality and Tourism Economics and Policy: new course

    HTM*6510 Hospitality and Tourism Revenue Management: new course

    HTM*6530 Safety, Security and Risk Assessment in HTM: new course

    HTM*6550 Managing Service Quality: new course

    HTM*6110 Foundations of Leadership: title and description changes

    HTM*6150 Research Methods for Managers: title and description changes

    HTM*6800 Operations Management: title and description changes

    HTM*6300 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing: title and semester offered changes

    HTM*6700 Hospitality and Tourism Strategic Management: title and semester offered changes

    HTM*6900 Major Paper: credit change

    HTM*6100 Organizational Theory and Design: course deletion

    HTM*6230 Special Topics in Management Issues: course deletion

    PHIL*6600: title change

    PSYC*6060, PSYC*6750, PSYC*6780: added restriction.

    PSYC*6770: pre-requisite added.

    PSYC*7070, PSYC*7170, PSYC*7180: instructor's signature required.

Philsophy courses for Wilfrid Laurier University: title changes for some courses

Chapter X Graduate Awards and Financial Assistance

The following revisions were made:

  • Department of History Graduate Prizes: $100 prizes will be awarded.

    Brock Doctoral Scholarship

  • Name change: Merial Graduate Scholarship (formerly Merck-Agvet Scholarship)

    Lilian and James Allan Scholarship (Food Science) (deadline June 1)

The following awards were added:

  • Ajinomoto Heartland/Halchemix Scholarship (OAC)

  • Guelph Compassionate Health Bursary (University wide)

    Lilian and James Allan Scholarship (OAC)

    The Bell-Sargant Scholarship (Landscape Architecture)

    D. Marie Taylor Memorial Scholarship (CSAHS)

    Lin Coburn Memorial Graduate Scholarship (Arts)

    Arts Alumni Doctoral Entrance Scholarship

    CBS Alumni Doctoral Entrance Scholarship

    CPES Alumni Doctoral Entrance Scholarship

    CSAHS Alumni Doctoral Entrance Scholarship

    OAC Alumni Doctoral Entrance Scholarship

    OVC Alumni Doctoral Entrance Scholarship