ENGG*6080 Engineering Seminar: SAT/UNS for grade
ENGG*6160 Advanced Food Engineering: remove prerequisite
FRAN*6180 Resarch in Couple and Family Assessment and Intervention: new course
CROP*6010 Physiology of Crop Yield: offered even years
CROP*6400 Seminar: change in credit (previous typing error)
CROP*6500 Applied Bioinformatics: new course
FRAN*6070: instructor signature required.
FSQA*6000 Food Safety and Quality Assurance Seminar: change in credit (previous typing error)
HBNS*6320: semester designation change.
HTM*6140 Foundations of Human Resource Management: new course
HTM*6170 Hospitality and Tourism Economics and Policy: new course
HTM*6510 Hospitality and Tourism Revenue Management: new course
HTM*6530 Safety, Security and Risk Assessment in HTM: new course
HTM*6550 Managing Service Quality: new course
HTM*6110 Foundations of Leadership: title and description changes
HTM*6150 Research Methods for Managers: title and description changes
HTM*6800 Operations Management: title and description changes
HTM*6300 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing: title and semester offered changes
HTM*6700 Hospitality and Tourism Strategic Management: title and semester offered changes
HTM*6900 Major Paper: credit change
HTM*6100 Organizational Theory and Design: course deletion
HTM*6230 Special Topics in Management Issues: course deletion
PHIL*6600: title change
PSYC*6060, PSYC*6750, PSYC*6780: added restriction.
PSYC*6770: pre-requisite added.
PSYC*7070, PSYC*7170, PSYC*7180: instructor's signature required.