Agricultural Economics and Business: MSc admission and degree requirements changes
AGEC*6080 Information Systems in Agribusiness: deletion
AGEC*6090 Small Business Taxation: deletion
AGEC*6141 Business Policy: deletion
Agriculture: degree requirements changes.
Business Studies: admission, degree and course requirements changes.
CLIN*6200 Concepts and Application of Infection Control: new course
CLIN*6280 Advanced Equine Veterinary Orthopaedics I: deletion
CLIN*6290 Advanced Equine Veterinary Orthopaedics II: deletion
CLIN*6310 Advanced Equine Veterinary Orthopaedics: new course
CROP*6010 Physiology of Crop Yield renamed: PLNT*6010
CROP*6050 Cytogenetics in Plant Breeding deletion
CROP*6060 Cytogenetics in Plant Breeding Laboratory deletion
CROP*6100 Advanced Crop Breeding renamed: PLNT*6100
CROP*6120 Protein and Oilseed Crop Breeding renamed: PLNT*6120
CROP*6130 Corn Breeding renamed: PLNT*6130
CROP*6150 Plant Breeding - The Profession renamed: PLNT*6150
CROP*6160 Quantitative Genetic Variation in Crop Populations renamed: PLNT*6160
CROP*6170 Statistics in Plant Breeding renamed: PLNT*6170 Statistics in Plant Agriculture
CROP*6180 Application of Plant Breeding Principles deletion
CROP*6230 Colloquium in Crop Physiology and Management renamed: PLNT*6230
CROP*6250 Colloquium in Genetics, Cytogenetics, and Plant Breeding renamed: PLNT*6250
CROP*6260 Advanced Crop Genetics renamed: PLNT*6260
CROP*6240 Colloquium on Weed Management in Agrosystems renamed: PLNT*6240
CROP*6020 Issues in Food Safety Risk Analysis renamed: PLNT*6020
CROP*6300 Current Research Problems and Field Techniques deletion
CROP*6400 Seminar renamed: PLNT*6400
CROP*6500 Applied Bioinformatics renamed: PLNT*6500
CROP*6660 Teaching Practicum in Crop Science deletion
FRAN*6450 Cultural Perspectives on the Family: new course
Fine Art: admission requirements changes.
Food Safety and Quality Assurance: degree requirements changes
FSQA*6500 Food Safety and Quality Assurance Research Project: single course (not double course)
History: MA degree requirements change.
HTM*6510 Hospitality and Tourism Revenue Management: delete co-requisite
HTM*6100 Organizational Theory and Design: deletion
HTM*6110 Foundations of Leadership: title change
HORT*6170 Postharvest Physiology renamed: PLNT*6110
HORT*6220 Advanced Studies in Pomology renamed: PLNT*6220
HORT*6480 deletion
HORT*6490 Colloquium in Physiology of Ornamental Crops renamed: PLNT*6490
HORT*6000 deletion
HORT*6050 Principles and Application of Plant Tissue Culture renamed: PLNT*6050
HORT*6500 Seminar renamed: PLNT*6410 Applied Bioinformatics and revision
International Development Studies: GEOG*6340 Human Environment Systems Analysis: core course deletion
PHIL*6580 Clinical Internship in Bioethicist: deletion
Physics: MSc and PhD admission and degree requirements changes.
PHYS*7030 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory: calendar description change
PHYS*7840 Advanced General Relativity: new course
PHYS*7850 Quantum Field Theory for Cosmology: new course
PHYS*7860 General Relativity for Cosmology: new course
PHYS*7970 MSc Project: credit change
PHYS*8900Interuniversity Graduate Course in Biophysics: deletion from Biophysics program only
Political Science: application procedure changes.
Psychology: admission and degree requirements changes.
PSYC*6020 Clinical and Diagnostic Interviewing Skills: new course
PSYC*6890 Legislation and Professional Practice: new course
Rural Studies: degree requirements changes.
Sociology and Anthropology: application procedure changes, admission and degree requirements changes.