VII. FeesUniversity Non-Academic FeesRequired only of full-time graduate students, unless otherwise indicated. Full-time students living more than 200 km. from Guelph who apply for "full-time distant" status may be exempted from some of the following fees. See Graduate Program Services for details.
Payable by all full-time students except non-degree students; the latter and all others must purchase an Athletic card at the Athletics Centre if they wish to use privileges and facilities.
Payable by all full-time students, except non-degree students
Payable by all full-time and part-time students
Special Service Contract: payable by all full-time students except non-degree students. Payable in the Fall semester, ( new students pay in their semester of entry) for coverage from September to August. Provincial sales tax is included. Family coverage is available for an additional premium. The Dental Plan has a limited opt-out provision. See the Graduate Students Associate office for details and deadlines for both of these options.
Payable by all full-time students except non-degree students.
Special Service Contract: payable by all full-time students in either the Fall or Winter semester, depending on the start date; coverage continues until August of each year. Exchange students are charged a semesterly fee of $51.00. This fee is non-refundable. Provincial sales tax is included. Family coverage is available for an additional premium; apply at the Student Benefits Office within 30 days of the beginning of the semester. Ontario Public Interest Research Group (Guelph Chapter)
Payable by all full-time and part-time students, except non- degree students. This fee is refundable during the first 3 weeks of each semester to those who do not wish to support its activities. Apply at the OPIRG-G office
Payable by all full-time students except non-degree students. This fee is refundable during the first 3 weeks of each semester to those who do not wish to support its activities. Apply at the Radio Gryphon offices.
Payable by all full-time students, except non-degree students.
Payable by all students, except non-degree students. A maximum of $24.02 is assessed in any fiscal year period (May to April).
Payable by all full-time students, except non-degree students. |