2006-2007 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

III. General Information

Policy on Responsibilities of Advisors, Advisory Committees and Graduate Students and Graduate Student-Advisor Mediation Procedures


Many individuals bring to graduate programs a rich and varied experience derived from universities throughout the world. This policy provides an outline of best practices and principles to guide the normal interactions within a graduate program at the University of Guelph. The University offers advanced degrees across a wide range of academic disciplines each of which has its own cultural variances with respect to how graduate research is conducted and how students are advised. Practices will vary as well depending on the nature of the student's research project and the stage the student is at in his/her program. Thus, the level of scrutiny and interaction may range from that occurring on a continuous basis to that in which the student operates quite independently with only occasional guidance. Regardless of the discipline, however, the underlying principle is one of mutual respect among students, faculty, and staff in an academic environment governed by traditional standards of research and professional integrity, without prejudice or discrimination. Within this context, the student, the Advisor, the Advisory Committee and the Department assume certain responsibilities or obligations and are entitled to expect reciprocal commitments. The policy is neither exhaustive nor exclusive and should be viewed in the context of normal circumstances.

This policy should be viewed as complementary to the University of Guelph statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities.