2006-2007 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

III. General Information

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Regulations

Academic Responsibility¹

You have the right to engage in free intellectual enquiry and, within the limits of the materials and human resources and approved University protocols, to access the resources necessary to plan and accomplish your educational and career objectives. You have the responsibility to:

  • pursue the Learning Objectives established by the University in the context of your own program and goals;

  • adhere to the schedule of dates and academic and non-academic regulations;

  • adhere to the schedule of dates and academic and non-academic regulations;

  • consult your academic advisor (Program Counsellor, Departmental Advisor, Graduate Coordinator) or the relevant Academic Review Committee if extenuating circumstances affect your academic performance;

  • abide by the University's Policy on Academic Misconduct.¹


    ¹ Refer to the Associate Diploma Calendar; Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars.


Civil/Criminal Statutes

You retain your rights as a citizen when you become a member of the University community. You have the responsibility to abide by Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes in addition to the University's own regulations; including but not limited to the Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines for University of Guelph Computing and Networking Facilities² and the In-Line Skates, Roller Blades and Skateboards Policy³. The University's interest may cause it to initiate a hearing (refer to Judicial Processes) whether or not non-university authorities have taken action.


² Refer to the University's Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines on Computing

³Refer to the University's In-Line Skates, Roller Blades and Skateboards Policy (also available at the Director's Office at each Regional College).

Offenses against Persons
Bodily Harm

You have the right to an environment that is safe and free from unwanted attention. You have the responsibility not to engage in activities likely to endanger the health or safety of yourself or another person, or to assault or threaten to assault another person, or to knowingly cause another person to fear bodily harm.


You have the right to an environment characterized by mutual respect. You have the responsibility to treat all members of the University community with respect and without harassment. Harassment is defined as any attention or conduct (oral, written, graphic or physical) by an individual or group who knows, or ought reasonably to know, that such attention or conduct is unwelcome/unwanted, offensive, or intimidating.

Offenses involving Property
Facilities, Telecommunications, Library, Property and Private Property

You have the right to the use of University facilities. You have the responsibility to:

  • respect posted hours and limits on entry where such conditions exist;

  • confine smoking only to areas designed for that purpose;

  • not destroy, tamper with, deface or vandalize, monopolize, unlawfully access, remove or possess property not your own, including, but not limited to, Library material, computing facilities, telecommunication systems, and emergency telephones;

  • not discharge, tamper with or operate any fire prevention or detection equipment for any purpose other than the control of fire. (For students found guilty of offences under this section, mandatory minimum penalties apply.)

Permits and Identification

You have the right, upon payment of any required fee, to access certain special services as a University community member. You have a responsibility not to acquire or use meal cards, University identification, computer identification, bus passes or parking permits that are stolen, cancelled, lost, false, altered or expired.


You have the right to use of the University grounds. You have the responsibility to observe the following specific limitations:

  • Authorized Entry-- posted hours and limits on entry must be observed and adhered to.

  • Bicycles -- Bicycles are subject to removal at the owner's expense if they are secured to trees or railings, secured to ramps for the disabled, left in fire routes or stairwells of any University building or otherwise found obstructing by being in any unauthorized area.

  • Automobiles -- Automobiles are subject to removal at the owner's expense if left in fire routes, area for disabled access, pedestrian walkways, driveways, or otherwise found obstructing by being in an unauthorized area.

  • Temporary Accommodation -- Sleeping or maintaining residence in vehicles, trailers, tents or University facilities is prohibited, except where specifically authorized.

  • Pets - Pets on campus must be under direct control at all times and must not be left unattended. Pets are not allowed in University buildings except as authorized.


You have the right to an environment that, while safeguarding dissent, is free from interference and disruption. You have the responsibility not to intimidate, interfere with the normal functioning of the University, nor to intimidate, interfere with, threaten or otherwise obstruct any activity organized by the University, including classes, or to hinder other members of the University community from being able to carry out their legitimate activities, including their ability to speak or associate with others.

Drugs and Alcohol

You have the responsibility to abide by the Provincial Liquor Licence Act and Provincial and Federal statutes pertaining to illegal drugs and alcohol. The possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs is prohibited, and each activity may form the basis of a separate charge. The possession of liquor by those under the age of 19, is prohibited. Consumption or open possession of liquor is prohibited, other than in those residence rooms where it has been specifically permitted or in licensed premises.


You have the right, upon compliance with existing sign-in requirements (Student Housing Services and licensed establishments), to have visitors on campus. As their sponsor, you have the responsibility to ensure that your guests abide by these regulations.

Firearms and other Weapons

Firearms, any other weapons, firecrackers, gunpowder, or any other forms of unauthorized explosive or volatile materials are prohibited on campus.