2006-2007 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs

Land Resource Science


Atmospheric Science

LRS*6000 Physical Environment of Crops and Forests F [0.50]
Recent literature on temperature, humidity, radiation, wind, gases and particles in crop and forest environments; evapotranspiration and photosynthesis of plant communities; modification of microclimates; applied micrometeorology. Offered in even-numbered years.
LRS*6040 Micrometeorology W [0.50]
Exchanges of mass, momentum and energy between the surface and the atmosphere will be studied in the context of larger-scale meterology. Diffusion and turbulence in and above plant canopies will be examined from theoretical and practical perspectives. Topics include time-series analysis, micrometeorological measurement theory, and basic principles of atmospheric science. Offered in even-numbered years.
LRS*6060 Agrometeorological Instrumentation W [0.50]
Theoretical and practical aspects of electronic circuits, sensors, and equipment used in agrometeorological research.
LRS*6241 Special Topics in Atmospheric Science F,U [0.25]
The content is determined by the interests of the students and the availability of instructors. Topics may include aspects of statistics for climatology, animal biometeorology, air pollution meteorology, and hydrometeorology.

Soil Science

LRS*6250 Soil Genesis and Classification F [0.50]
A discussion of world soil regions for students not specializing in soil genesis.
LRS*6280 Soil Physics F [0.50]
The soil as a physical system with special regard to soil water movement and the diffusion and dispersion of chemical substances. Numerical techniques and computer solutions will be developed.
LRS*6300 Applied Soil Physics F [0.50]
The application of soil physical principles to practical problems concerning soil physical quality, erosion, land reclamation and industrial-waste disposal on land
Prerequisite(s): SOIL*3070.
LRS*6320 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics of Porous Media W [0.50]
Transport processes in porous media such as soils, clays, and membranes are dealt with in the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamics with emphasis on the coupling between water, solutes, heat and electric charge transport. Offered in alternate years.
LRS*6340 Soil Organic Matter and Biochemistry F [0.50]
(1) Soil organic matter characterization, (2) dynamics of soil organic matter, (0.5) nutrient cycling. Offered in odd-numbered years.
LRS*6360 Soil and Water Chemistry F [0.50]
Thermodynamics of soil solutions; solution-solid phase equilibria; reaction kinetics; computer modelling of solute-mineral interactions.
LRS*6380 Advanced Soil Chemistry W [0.50]
The mathematical development of solute speciation models for aqueous solutions, surface complexation models for inorganic soil constituents and descrete and continuous functional group models for humic materials.
LRS*6400 Soil Nitrogen Fertility and Crop Production W [0.50]
Emphasis will be placed on soil N transformations and processes, and N sources for crops; field experimentation methods; environmental issues.
LRS*6420 Soil Productivity F [0.50]
Soil physical, chemical and biological characteristics as they influence crop growth with emphasis on processes and mechanisms.
LRS*6440 Field Sampling Strategies and Geostatistics W [0.50]
Concepts and practical aspects of collecting, synthesizing and interpreting data from spatially and temporally variable and/or correlated fields. Hands-on experience in describing spatial structure of large data sets (supplied by student or instructor) using available software. (alternate years)
LRS*6581 Special Topics in Soil Science U [0.25]
Issues that are relevant to the current research of faculty or visiting faculty. Generally presented as a combination of lectures, student seminars and written projects.

Environmental Earth Science

LRS*6280 Soil Physics F [0.50]
The soil as a physical system with special regard to soil water movement and the diffusion and dispersion of chemical substances. Numerical techniques and computer solutions will be developed.
LRS*6360 Soil and Water Chemistry F [0.50]
Thermodynamics of soil solutions; solution-solid phase equilibria; reaction kinetics; computer modelling of solute-mineral interactions.
LRS*6730 Special Topics in Environmental Earth Science U [0.50]
A study of principles and analyses of local environmental problems involving the application of geological and soil information of land use applications and possible hazardous conditions.

Land Resources Management

LRS*6760 Advanced Remote Sensing W [0.50]
Critical review of the latest research papers on the use of remotely sensed data for temporal monitoring of the biosphere.
LRS*6881 Special Topics in Land Resources Management U [0.25]
Issues that are relevant to the current research of faculty or visiting faculty. Generally presented as a combination of lectures, student seminars and written projects.


LRS*6900 Research Issues I F [0.25]
Principles and philosophy of scientific research including the development of superior communication skills.
LRS*6910 Research Issues II W [0.25]
A continuation of Research Issues I.
LRS*6941 Analytical Instrumentation and Techniques U [0.25]
Equipment and techniques of soil and plant analyses. Variable credit will be assigned based on the number of laboratory units covered.