VIII. Graduate ProgramsPhilosophyGraduate Faculty from McMaster and Wilfrid Laurier UniversitiesIn addition to the aforementioned members of the Guelph graduate faculty who support the Guelph MA program, the Guelph-McMaster-Laurier joint PhD program includes the following faculty members from McMaster and Wilfrid Laurier Universities. Barry G. Allen
BA Lethbridge, MA, PhD Princeton - Professor, McMaster
Richard T. W. Arthur
PhD Western Ontario - Professor and Chair of Philosphy Dept., McMaster
Neil Campbell
BA Toronto, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
Renato Cristi
PhD Toronto - Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
Diane Enns
PhD SUNY (Binghamton) - Assistant Professor, McMaster (cross-appointed with Women's Studies Program)
Brian Garrett
PhD McGill - Assistant Professor, McMaster
Elisabeth (Boetzkes) Gedge
PhD Calgary - Associate Professor, McMaster
Nicholas Griffin
BA Leicester, PhD Australian National - Professor, McMaster
Leo Groarke
PhD Western Ontario - Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
Stephen Haller
PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
David L. Hitchcock
BA McMaster, PhD Claremont - Professor, McMaster
Violetta Igneski
PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor, McMaster
Rockney Jacobsen
PhD Alberta - Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
Rebekah Johnston
PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
Howard Jones
PhD Indiana - Professor (Classics), McMaster
Jill Leblanc
BA McMaster, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor, McMaster
Robert Litke
PhD Michigan - Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
Spiro Panagiotou
BSc, MA Guelph, PhD St. Andrews - Associate Professor, McMaster
Jill Rusin
PhD John Hopkins - Assistant Professor, McMaster
Brigitte Sassen
BA Toronto, MA, PhD Pennsylvania State - Associate Professor, McMaster
Mark Vorobej
BA Carleton, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor, McMaster
Wil Waluchow
MA Western Ontario, DPhil Oxford - Professor, McMaster
Allison Weir
PhD York - Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
Byron Williston
PhD Toronto - Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier
James Wong
PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier