VIII. Graduate ProgramsPhilosophyPhD ProgramThe University of Guelph, jointly with McMaster University and Wilfrid Laurier University, offers a program leading to a PhD in philosophy. The aim of the PhD program is to develop philosophers who are well rounded in the traditional areas of study and who have achieved a high level of expertise in their special fields of research. The Guelph-Laurier-McMaster Doctoral Program in Philosophy, which consists of members drawn from all three university departments, is a semi-autonomous body responsible directly to the three graduate schools. It is responsible for admissions, for the program of instruction and for the naming of a student's advisory committee. Students in the program may enroll either at Guelph, McMaster or Wilfrid Laurier. A student comes under the general regulations of the university in which he or she is registered and the degree is granted by that university. The program offers supervision in most of the traditional areas of philosophy but the special strengths of the program are in continental philosophy; epistemology and metaphysics; history of western philosophy; philosophy of science; language and logic; social, political and legal philosophy; and theoretical and applied ethics. Admission RequirementsAdmission to the program is restricted to those who have an MA in philosophy. Degree RequirementsStudents normally will be required to take six courses in philosophy including the doctoral research seminar (PHIL*6960). In special circumstances students may take as few as four courses in philosophy. Students must also demonstrate knowledge in at least five designated fields of study. This may be done by course work, by examination, by thesis or by a suitable combination of these. Students must pass an Oral Qualifying Examination by the end of their twentieth month in the program. Students in the program may be required to demonstrate competence in one or more skills which their advisory committee decides, in consultation with the program officer, is needed for their dissertation (e.g. a language other than English). PhD candidates must submit a thesis of not more than 90,000 words (300 pages). Further details can be found on the program website |