Appendix A - Courses
Literature and Theatre Studies
LTS*7800 Secondary Area Studies U [0.50]
A directed-reading course to provide concentrated training in an area of research other than the student's expected area of research concentration. This seminar emphasizes thorough general knowledge of a chosen area's scope, theoretical frameworks, and research methodologies. The course is normally taken during the first year of a student's program. |
LTS*7820 Primary Area Studies U [1.00]
A reading course intended to provide concentrated training in the student's expected area of research concentration. This seminar involves individualized, directed study of the immediate literary, cultural, and theoretical contexts of the student's approved dissertation subject. The course is normally taken in the second year of a student's PhD program. |
LTS*7990 Doctoral Dissertation U [2.00]
Submission and defense of an acceptable thesis, written by the PhD candidate, on the research carried out by the candidate on an approved topic. The thesis is expected to be a significant contribution to knowledge in its field and the candidate must indicate in what ways it is a contribution. |