Appendix A - Courses
Rural Planning and Development
RPD*6030 International Rural Development Planning: Principles and Practices U [0.50]
This course presents the scope and nature of international development planning and alternative roles for development planners; has a rural emphasis; reviews the evolution of development planning from macroeconomic beginnings to more integrated local planning approaches; examines the development planning process and its organizational and spatial dimensions; compares policy, program, project, sectoral and integrated area planning; and compares rural development planning in market, mixed and state-driven societies. |
RPD*6050 Professional Practice Course in Development and Planning U [0.50]
This course offers a planned but flexible program for developing skills that are relevant to professional practice in the rural planning and development field. It also fills the skill knowledge gaps for students who cannot take full courses. Students, in consultation with his/her Academic Advisor, assess their knowledge and skills need and acquire them through selected 'modules'. |
RPD*6060 Settlement, Housing, and Services: Planning and Management U [0.50]
This course provides an understanding of the issues, policies, and strategies in planning and managing a settlement. It teaches procedures and selected techniques. Topics include financing and managing the settlement, employment and the construction sector, land use, housing and services. The emphasis is on the international and rural context. |
RPD*6070 Project Development: Principles, Procedures, and Selected Methods U [0.50]
This course introduces students to the principles, procedures and methods in developing a project. It examines the project cycle: identification, preparation, appraisal, implementation/supervision, monitoring and evaluation. It gives an understanding of the major methods involved and teaches selected methods. The focus is on the international, rural context and on small non-farm projects: small industries, small physical infrastructure and social projects. |
RPD*6170 Rural Research Methods U [0.50]
The course provides rural planning and development professionals with a number of theoretical frameworks and practical approaches to problem solving in rural Canadian and international contexts. The course content provides an introduction to hypothesis development, data collection, analytical frameworks, research management, and information synthesis and presentation methodologies that are appropriate to the practicing rural planner and developer. It views the roles of the researcher and research as interventionist and intervention in the rural community. Research methods are discussed as an integral and supporting part of the planning and development process. |
RPD*6220 Planning and Development Policy Analysis U [0.50]
Planning and development policy has experienced a significant evolution. This course examines the history of policy, and the theory, methods and processes of policy development and governance in planning and management of enviroonment and resources. |
RPD*6240 Planning and Development Theory U [0.50]
Examines basic concepts, theories and perspectives in rural planning and development. A conceptual examination of 'rural', 'planning' and 'development' precedes an examination of how rural planning and development is viewed from alternative, often conflicting theories of rural change and planned intervention. The implications for practice are discussed. |
RPD*6250 Public Administration in Rural Communities U [0.50]
An introduction to the nature and problems of government and administration in the small municipality (less than 25,000). Major topics include: municipal law, capital budget and implementation, public services and infrastructure, personnel management. |
RPD*6260 Land Use Planning Law U [0.50]
An introduction to the legal tools used to regulate the use of land and other resources. Zoning, subdivision controls, development control, land banking, expropriation, planning appeals, official maps, etc. An intensive study of the Ontario Planning Act and related legislation. |
RPD*6280 Rural Planning Methods U [0.50]
Basics of rural planning practice, including communications, graphics, group dynamics, interviews and community surveys, questionnaire design and non-parametric statistics and role of citizen participation. |
RPD*6290 Special Topics in Rural Planning and Development U [0.50]
Selected study topics focus on the nature of rural planning and development issues and/or practices in Canadian and/or International small communities and rural environments. Among the topics which may be addressed are: rural land use planning, ecological restoration, gender analysis in development planning, GIS in agricultural development, micro-credit, physical/site planning and design, project management and development administration. |
RPD*6310 Environmental Impact Assessment U [0.50]
This course deals with the role of environmental impact assessments and statements in the planning, development and operation of resource projects. Topics discussed include the philosophical and institutional basis for environmental impact assessments, methods used and the effects of such assessments on resource development projects. |
RPD*6320 Water Resource Management U [0.50]
The course provides an assessment of the processes and principles which underlie comprehensive water resource planning and integrated basin management. It also undertakes to evaluate current practice in the context of integrated planning. There is extensive use of Canadian and international practice. |
RPD*6360 Major Research Paper U [1.00]
Students not pursuing the coursework/thesis route must satisfactorily complete a major research paper. Preparation of the paper will be supervised by a faculty committee. Content of the paper will generally focus on the placement of a problem in rural planning and development practice in a theoretical context, and an analysis of the problem using appropriate methodological and analytical procedures. |
Restriction(s): |
For Major Paper option only |
RPD*6370 Economic Development Planning and Management for Rural Communities U [0.50]
Theories and perspectives of local economic development, particularly community-based planning for rural economic development. Economic development within a community development framework, and challenges of sustainable development. Interdisciplinary perspectives and alternative approaches to professional planning practice, strategic planning, management and organizational design/development issues. Alternative economic concepts and perspectives are critically examined. Includes international case studies. |
RPD*6390 Rural Social Planning U [0.50]
This course will provide students who have an interest in social development with an avenue for linking that interest to the policy, planning and intervention process. |
RPD*6410 Readings in Rural Planning U [0.50]
A program of supervised independent study related to the student's area of concentration. Nature and content of the readings course are agreed upon between the student and the instructor, and are subject to the approval of the student's advisory committee and graduate committee. |
RPD*6450 Recreation and Tourism Planning and Development U [0.50]
This course is intended to instruct the student in the principles of planning for recreation and tourism development. Emphasis is placed on the economic and social benefits and costs that accrue from tourism and recreation development. Planning principles are applied to this context. |