IV. Degree RegulationsMaster of Business Administration (Food and Agribusiness Management) or (Hospitality and Tourism Management)CoursesThe MBA degree of the University of Guelph requires the demonstration of a reasonable mastery of a concentrated field of study. This is attested by achieving satisfactory standings in a number of courses. Prescribed StudiesThe coursework-and-major-paper option requires 16 graduate courses (8.0 credits) plus a 0.5-credit major paper. There are nine core courses which must be taken by all MBA students. An additional nine courses (including the 0.5-credit major paper and electives) are determined according to the department of registration. The courses selected must be acceptable to the school and the dean of Graduate Studies for graduate credit. These substantive courses comprise the candidate's prescribed studies, in which the student must obtain an overall average grade of at least ‘B- ' (see Establishment of Program and Prescribed Studies). Additional CoursesIn addition to these prescribed studies the candidate may take ancillary courses supportive of the special discipline. These courses may be at either the undergraduate or the graduate level. |