2007-2008 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

II. General Regulations

Academic Misconduct


  1. Students may appeal either the finding, the penalty, or both to the Senate Student Petitions Committee.

  2. Appeals must be submitted to the Senate Student Petitions Committee within 15 working days of receipt of the decision. If the decision is mailed, it will be deemed to have been received by the student the fifth day after it has been mailed. If the decision is sent by courier, fax or email it shall be deemed to have been received one day after it has been sent.

  3. An appeal to the Senate Committee on Student Petitions involves an examination of all relevant documents and evidence to determine the appropriateness of a finding of guilt or of the assessed penalty. The procedures for conducting an appeal and for holding a hearing are set out in the Regulations of the Senate Committee on Student Petitions. Following an appeal or hearing, the Senate Committee on Student Petitions may take one or more of the following courses of action:

    1. confirm a finding of guilt;

    2. reverse a finding of guilt (in which case no penalty shall apply);

    3. confirm a penalty;

    4. assess a different penalty.