2007-2008 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs

Biomedical Sciences


BIOM*6060 Functional Neuroanatomy U [0.50]
A course emphasizing the structure and function of the mammalian nervous system and organs of special sense.
BIOM*6070 Pregnancy, Birth and Perinatal Adaptations S [0.50]
This course promotes understanding of the physiology of the placenta, and its role in fetal, perinatal and adult health. It is offered through videoconference involving University of Guelph, Queen's University and University of Waterloo. Parts are customized to student's interests within pregnancy physiology.
BIOM*6110 Advanced Microscopy for Biomedical Sciences U [0.50]
Routine and specialized procedures for light microscopy, and transmission and scanning electron microscopy are examined through lectures, discussions and practical exercises. Interpretation of micrographs is included.
BIOM*6130 Vertebrate Developmental Biology U [0.50]
The principles of vertebrate development are examined through lectures, discussions and practical exercises. Topics include aspects of gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation, embryonic and fetal development and experimental manipulation of embryos. Emphasis is on mammalian development and topics may vary depending on student needs and interests.
BIOM*6160 Cellular Biology U [0.50]
An integrative course that examines aspects of cell biology in the context of recent research advancements. Topics are chosen based on student interest and faculty expertise and are explored through a combination of lectures, student seminars and group discussions.
BIOM*6190 Tissue Culture Techniques in Biomedical Sciences U [0.50]
An introduction to in vitro techniques examining aspects and principles of the culture environment, isolation methods, propagation, characterization and storage of cultured cells, gametes and embryos. Practical exercises and student assignments complement material presented in lecture and seminar format.
BIOM*6440 Biomedical Toxicology U [0.50]
The course examines chemical compounds injurious to animals and man, toxicity testing, teratogens, carcinogens, factors influencing toxicity, and toxic drug interactions. The mechanism of action, metabolism, and principles of antidotal treatment are also studied.
BIOM*6480 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics U [0.50]
This course describes drug absorption, distribution, biotransformation and elimination in animals and human beings, and emphasizes factors which modify drug behaviour. It integrates molecular mechanisms with physiological processes and highlights the importance of receptors and second messengers in cellular responses to pharmacologic agents.
BIOM*6570 Biochemical Regulation of Physiological Processes U [0.50]
This course focuses on the regulation of vertebrate physiological processes, such as electrolyte and water balance, temperature regulation, growth and energy metabolism, by hormones and other biological regulators that act through cellular receptors and intracellular biochemical-control pathways.
BIOM*6601 Special Topics in Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology U [0.25]
Permits in-depth exploration of interdisciplinary aspects of biomedical research. Topics such as inflammation, reproductive immunology and neoplasia have been offered.
BIOM*6610 Vascular Biology U [0.50]
An interdisciplinary course in which the interrelationships between vascular proteins, cellular elements and the maintenance of vascular integrity are examined. Structural-functional relationships in vascular biology are explored through seminar presentations, group discussions and small group participation in problem based examples of vascular dysfunction.
BIOM*6701 Special Topics in Development, Cell and Tissue Morphology U [0.25]
Permits further in depth study of developmental and morphological sciences.
BIOM*6711 Special Topics in Physiology & Biochemistry U [0.25]
This course involves an appropriate combination of an experimental procedure (or project), seminars, selected reading or a literature review outside the thesis subject, developed according to the student's requirements.
BIOM*6721 Special Topics in Pharmacology-Toxicology U [0.25]
This course will comprise a combination of an experimental procedure (or project), seminars, selected reading or a literature review outside the thesis subject, developed based on the student's requirements. Topics could include clinical pharmacology/toxicology, pharmaco-epidemiology/economics, gerontological or perinatal pharmacology and toxicokinetics. Department of Biomedical Sciences