VIII. Graduate Programs
Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy
For courses without a semester designation the student should consult the graduate co-ordinator.
SOC*6350 Society, Crime and Control U [0.50]
This seminar course surveys classical theoretical perspectives and more recent theoretical developments in the sociology of crime. It will examine the assumptions and logical structure of each perspective and justifications of particular criminal justice/public policy responses. The course will also critical assess recent empirical research relevant to each perspective. |
SOC*6070 Sociological Theory F [0.50]
Classical and contemporary theoretical perspectives and their inter-relationships. A central concern will be to develop the student's ability to assess theory critically and to understand how theory and research relate to each other. |
SOC*6130 Quantitative Research Methods W [0.50]
The application of multiple regression to data generated by nonexperimental research, e.g., survey data and data from other sources (census, archival). In large part a course in theory construction, a thorough grounding in the mechanics and statistical assumptions of multiple regression is followed by its application to the construction of structural equation (or causal) models representing substantive theories in sociology and related disciplines. |
SOC*6140 Qualitative Research Methods F [0.50]
An examination of the methods of qualitative research, including participant observation and unstructured interviews, as well as the ethical considerations of fieldwork. Other topics, such as comparative and historical methods, may be included. |
SOC*6270 Diversity and Social Equality U [0.50]
This course will examine a range of approaches used in the study of intergroup relations, with special emphasis on struggles over influence and power. Students will acquire a deeper understanding of the complex intersection, as well as the overlap among forms of identity and group mobilization based on ethnic, linguistic, regional, class, gender, racial and other forms of social division. The course may also cover native issues and policies related to multiculturalism, equity and local or regional autonomy. |
POLS*6630 Approaches to Public Policy U [0.50]
This course introduces students to the main theoretical approaches utilized in understanding public policy making and outcomes. Throughout the course, particular attention is paid to varying conceptions of institutions, ideas and interest and the role of these conceptions in various explanations of policy change and stasis. |
POLS*6640 Canadian Public Administration: Public Sector Management U [0.50]
This course examines the growth of the administrative state in Canada, especially in the post World War II period. It critically reviews issues such as the concept of public sector management, the delegation of authority, personnel management, accountability and the ethics of ministers and officials to Parliament and the public. |
POLS*6950 Specialized Topics in Political Studies U [0.50]
This course is intended to be an elective course for students wishing to pursue an area of investigation not covered in the other courses offered by the department. This course may also be chosen by students who want to further pursue a subject area to which they were introduced in a previous course. |
SOC*6600 Reading Course U [0.50]
A program of directed reading, complemented with the writing of papers or participation in research. Reading courses are arranged by students through their advisors or advisory committees and must be approved by the chair of the department. This course may be repeated provided different content is involved. |