VIII. Graduate ProgramsCreative WritingMFA ProgramAdmission RequirementsThe normal minimum requirement for admission to the MFA Program is a baccalaureate degree, in an honours program or the equivalent, from a recognized degree-granting institution. There are no requirements as to the discipline in which the degree was earned. Successful applicants will be expected to have achieved an average standing of at least second-class honours (B-) in their last four semesters of study. A limited number of students, however, may be admitted to the MFA without having satisfied the degree requirement and/or academic standing requirements set out above if they are assessed as qualified to undertake graduate studies in creative writing on the basis of other experience and/or practice. Admissions PortfolioApplicants will be selected for admission to the MFA Program primarily on the basis of a portfolio and a letter of no more than three pages describing the applicant’s aspirations as a writer and an indication of the genres in which he/she is most interested. The portfolio should be between 25 and 40 pages in length and may contain published and/or unpublished work and/or work-in-progress. It must include a minimum of three separate works (or excerpts from separate works). Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit works in more than one genre, e.g., fiction and poetry. Considerations of balance over the program as a whole, with respect to genres in which applicants are particularly interested and demonstrate special strength, will have some impact on admission decisions. Degree RequirementsStudents will take one workshop and one plenary course in the first (fall) semester of study; one workshop in the second (winter) semester; the individual study course in the third (summer) semester; and one workshop and a second plenary course in the fourth (fall) semester. The remaining two semesters of the two-year program will be devoted to the thesis. With permission, MFA students may choose to take one or two courses at the University of Guelph - e.g., MA courses in the School of English and Theatre Studies. |