2007-2008 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs

European Studies


EURO*6000 Research Methods F [0.50]
This course will: a) introduce students to the field and research methods of European Studies, b) familiarize them with field-relevant research skills and methodologies.
EURO*6010 European Identities F [0.50]
This core course examines historical and contemporary ideas of the 'nation' and of 'Europe' and their relationships to identity, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Using core concepts that span various disciplines, the course investigates the construction and implications of national, minority, European and EU identities.
EURO*6020 Myth, Fairy Tales and European Identities W [0.50]
An exploration of how myths and fairy tales have been refashioned in European literature, music and art to express political, social or psychological concerns. Examples will be chosen from different national cultures and epochs. Content will vary according to the interersts of the instructor(s).
EURO*6030 Women and the Arts in Europe: Seeking Expression F [0.50]
This course examines women's participation in the arts in Europe. Content will vary according to the interests of the instructor(s). Possible approaches: an examination of women's relationships to European cultural institutions, or the extent of women's participation in central pan-European artistic movements.
EURO*6040 Europe and the Discourse of Civilization U [0.50]
This course explores the genealogy of the idea of 'civilization' with respect to Europe as it emerges from the writings of medieval, renaissance, early modern and modern art historians, and its role in contemporary political discourse. Literature and music may also be included.
EURO*6050 European Integration and the EU F [0.50]
This course examines the contributions of international relations, comparative politics and/or governance/public policy to the study of European integration and the EU. Students will learn about the major concepts and theories of these sub-disciplines of political science to analyze the development, institutions, policy processes, policies and politics of the EU.X
EURO*6060 Social/Political Philosophy and European Studies
EURO*6070 Topics in Comparative European Culture W [0.50]
An examination of a topic, period, or region in any aspect of European culture. The content of the course will vary according to the topic and the professor teaching the course at any given time.
EURO*6100 Research Project U [1.00]
This research project will result in a major paper of about 15,000 words. The student chooses a topic with the guidance of a faculty member. The topic must be approved by the Graduate Commitee.
ECON*6370 Economic Development in Historical Perspective U [0.50]
This course will examine the experience of economic development focusing on the emergence of the Third World. Topics for discussion will vary from year to year; they may include the impact of trade expansion during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the role of manufacturing as a leading sector, statist vs. the new classical approaches to government policy, and others.
GEOG*6400 Urbanization and Development (alternate years) U [0.50]
Analysis of the evolution of urban form and pattern in the developing world within the context of the global urban system. Examines national urban systems and implications for dispersed development and rural change.
HIST*6300 Topics in Modern Europe I U [0.50]
This seminar course will focus on selected aspects of the political and social history of Europe between 1789 and 1989. Topics to be examined will vary according to the expertise of the faculty and the interest of the students.
HIST*6310 Topics in Modern Europe II U [0.50]
This seminar course will focus on selected aspects of the political and social history of Europe between 1789 and 1989. Topics to be examined will vary according to the expertise of the faculty and the interest of the students.
HIST*6380 Topics in Early Modern European History U [0.50]
This seminar course examines current issues in early modern European history as selected by instructor(s). Participants review current research and historiography, discuss the principal debates, and develop their own perspectives through encounter with primary source materials.
PHIL*6140 Continental Theory I U [0.50]
A study of the historical and contemporary origins of existentialism, phenomenology and post-modernism, concentrating on one or several of the classic texts.
PHIL*6150 Continental Theory II U [0.50]
A study of the historical and contemporary origins of existentialism, phenomenology and post-modernism, concentrating on texts not covered in PHIL*6140 in the same year.
PHIL*6200 Problems of Contemporary Philosophy U [0.50]
A study of a particular set of problems in contemporary philosophy.
UNIV*6500 International Study Option U [0.00]
A period of study in another country as part of a graduate program at the University of Guelph. Details may be obtained from Graduate Program Services.

PHIL*6900, HIST*6040, POLS*6950, GEOG*6060, ECON*6930

All are reading courses for special interests.