2007-2008 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs


Graduate Diploma Program

The objective of the diploma program is to provide advanced practical training in a field of veterinary pathology to veterinarians working in industry, government or in private practice. The program emphasizes practical and course-based applied training in anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, avian medicine and pathology, laboratory animal science, or wildlife and zoo animal pathology.

Admission Requirements

Applicants require a DVM (or equivalent) degree with acceptable academic standing. Admission requires the prior identification of a faculty advisor and a source of personal support for the student.

Degree Requirements

The diploma requires three semesters of full-time study, and satisfactory completion of at least 1.5 credits in applied pathology courses and 0.5 credits in other graduate courses, including the graduate seminar course. The remaining credits may be in the defined area of study, as prescribed by the faculty advisor. Diploma students must satisfactorily pass a final oral comprehensive examination on general knowledge in the field of study. It will be conducted by faculty members in the Department of Pathobiology. There is no thesis, but students are required to write a paper that the advisor considers ready for submission to a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

See also the Graduate Diploma Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.