IX. Graduate Programs
History - Tri-University Program
Courses - PhD
HIST*7010 Qualifying Examination U [1.00] |
This oral examination is designed to assess 1) the student's knowledge of the subject matter and ability to integrate the
material read and 2) the student's ability and promise in research.
HIST*7070 Thesis Proposal U [0.00] |
A written (up to 2,000 words, including citations) and oral demonstration of the proposed dissertation. The proposal will
include a statement of the overall thesis of the dissertation, a description/discussion of the major research question(s),
a review of the principal primary/archival sources being used, a chapter or topic outline, and a clear explanation of the
originality of the thesis. Graded SAT/UNS.
Restriction(s): |
For PhD students only. |
HIST*7080 Colloquium U [0.00] |
The colloquium is a public presentation of original research, normally a chapter, significant portion, or summary of the student's
thesis. Graded SAT/UNS.
Restriction(s): |
For PhD students only. |
The following courses are designed to study the central issues, ideas and historiography of the designated major field, within
certain geographical and temporal limits. All seminar courses extend over two semesters. Students must register for the courses
in each semester.
HIST*7990 Doctoral Thesis U [2.00] |
Students are required to write and successfully defend a thesis of such cogency and originality as will represent a significant
contribution to knowledge. The thesis will normally be between 50,000 and 90,000 words in length. Univeristy of Guelph regulations
and procedures govern this process.
The requirements for an MA student taking a 7000-level course are substantially different from those for a PhD student. Therefore
a PhD student who has previously taken any of these 7000-level courses may, with the permission of the department, repeat
any of those 7000-level for credit in the Tri-University Doctoral Program.