IX. Graduate Programs
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LACS*6000 Methodology
LACS*6010 Latin American Identity & Culture I F [0.50] |
This is the first of the two required LACS culture core courses. They will address theoretical issues relevant to Latin American identities and cultures, and will use these as heuristic devices in the study of major and marginalized cultural events, narratives, and visual and musical expressions. In LACS*6010 students will analyze the concept of "hybridity" and study how hybrid culture has been incorporating past with the present, and how it is and has been incorporating local and African forms and themes with European and US derived high culture. |
LACS*6020 Latin American Identity & Culture II W [0.50] |
This course is a continuation of LACS*6010. Students going on an exchange may replace this course with a similar course taken at the exchange university. This course will study minority cultures and the relationship of the periphery and the centre. Feminist, queer, Latina/o and indigenous marginalized cultures will be studied in the context of Internationalism and Globalization. |
LACS*6030 Globalization & Insecurity in the Americas F [0.50] |
An analytical,critical and inerdisciplinary introductory overview of Latin America and the Caribbean in the larger context of the Americas, from the point of view of the security and insecurity of its people. It will concentrate on the interplay of environmental, economic, social, political, and cultural factors upon such security in an era of globalization. |
LACS*6040 Novel & Nation in Spanish America U [0.50] |
This course will study the constitution of Spanish American nation in the novel since 1900 from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Particular attention will be paid to the novel's appropriation of foreign artistic and cultural influences to articulate Spanish American history. |
LACS*6050 Globalization & Latin American Representation in Art W [0.50] |
This course will examine the continuous flow of large, temporary high-profile identity-based "blockbuster" exhibitions based on Latin American and Caribbean art in Canada and the United States. These exhibitions play a key role as cultural agents, and raise questions of the concept of converging visual cultures. |
LACS*6100 Research Project U [1.00] |
This research project will result in a major paper of about 15,000 words. The student chooses a topic and writes a paper on the topic with the guidance of a faculty member. The topic must be approved by the Graduate Committee. |