VI. Procedures


Classroom Assignments

The Assistant Registrar, Scheduling is responsible for the assignment of all central inventory classrooms and reassigns rooms as necessary. The assignment of classroom space to regularly scheduled Undergraduate, Graduate and Diploma courses takes priority over all other classroom uses. Until the main Course Selection periods have concluded and space has been allocated to regularly scheduled classes, classroom space is not assigned within the semester for any other purpose.

Classroom Assignments for Regularly Scheduled Courses

The Assistant Registrar, Scheduling assigns classrooms for regularly scheduled classes in such a way as to maximize the accommodation of enrollment numbers, access to presentation technology and other classroom attributes as requested by the offering department, accommodation of instructor or student disability, and the effective and efficient use of the central classroom inventory.

The Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator should send requests for the assignment of alternate teaching space to Scheduling as required by changing enrollment numbers. Scheduling reassigns classroom space as necessary and as availability permits. Course enrollment must not exceed the capacity of rooms assigned to courses. Until additional classroom space can be assigned, additional students are not registered. (In special circumstances, approval may be granted by the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling for small classroom overloads as part of an overall enrollment management strategy.)

Instructors requesting classroom changes for other reasons should forward their request through their Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator to the Scheduling Reservations Clerk, O.R.S. via electronic mail. Note that to ensure that highest priority needs are met first, and to reduce confusion on campus at the beginning of the semester, Scheduling cannot accommodate requests for classroom changes in the week preceding the commencement of classes or the first two weeks of classes. Exceptions are made for 1) enrollment changes 2) student/instructor disability 3) exceptional circumstances as approved by the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling. Requests made for other reasons will be neither accepted nor accommodated during this three-week period.

If classroom space assigned to a course is not required, instructors should inform their Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator, as soon as possible so that Scheduling can be advised to free the space for other uses.

If rooms are required only occasionally for classes, they should not be held for full semesters, rather one-time or temporary bookings should be made through the Scheduling Reservations Clerk, as below.

Other Classroom Bookings

For non-regularly scheduled classes, meetings, academic conferences, tests, etc. classroom bookings may be made through the Scheduling Reservations Clerk by University of Guelph faculty, staff and students. Please send requests by electronic mail to

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1
