II. General Regulations
Description of Graduate Students
Students are classified as full-time or part-time on the basis of the program in which they are enrolled. All students have access to university activities and facilities and are expected to take part in the academic life of their program and the university.
Full-time Student
Full-time students apply themselves to their graduate study as a primary responsibility. Normally graduate students will be registered as full-time students because they are registered in full-time programs.
Distant Student
Full-time students may be located away from the university. If the student lives 200 km. or more from Guelph, the student may apply to be full-time distant, which precludes the payment of some non-tuition student fees.
Part-time Student
Part-time students are enrolled in part-time graduate programs. This status must be declared at the time of admission. If a program does not indicate "full-time only", applicants may assume that a part-time option is available. Students interested in part-time study should consult graduate programs of interest to confirm the availability of this option. Part-time students may register for no more than 1.0 course credits in a semester. Three part-time semesters are regarded as the equivalent of one full-time semester in terms of minimum program duration.
In some instances full-time students may be allowed to transfer to part-time if demanding circumstances relating to personal health matters, family responsibilities, or employment exist. Documentation of the these circumstances must be submitted to Graduate Program Services on an annual basis.
Pending transfer application and approval from both their program and Graduate Program Services, part-time students may transfer to full-time status at any time in their programs. Full-time graduate students originally admitted to part-time programs may transfer back to part-time status on request.