IX. Graduate Programs
Marketing and Consumer Studies
For courses without a semester designation the student should consult the graduate co-ordinator.
MCS*6010 Consumption Behaviour Theory II W [0.50] |
Consumption behaviour is an interdisiplinary field of study which applies theories from multiple disciplines to the activities
and processes people engage in when choosing, using and disposing of goods and services. The purpose of this course is to
provide a basic review of the theoretical foundations of aspects of consumption and consumer behaviour and to demonstrate
their applicabililty to marketing management. The course is designed to allow participants to bring their own background and
interests to bear on the review and application of the theories underlying consumer behaviour.
Prerequisite(s): |
MCS*6000 or consent of instructor |
MCS*6020 Marketing Strategy & Decision Support Systems U [0.50] |
The application of knowledge about consumer behaviour, markets, research, problem-solving approaches, and concepts and principles
of marketing to the analysis of marketing situations and problems, and the formulation of marketing strategy and policy. Includes
the use of marketing-decision support systems, simulations and models for strategy formulation and decision making for product
development, test marketing, and marketing-mix decisions.
MCS*6060 Multivariate Research Methods W [0.50] |
A review of selected multivariate analysis techniques as applied to marketing and consumer research. Topics include regression,
anova, principal components, factor and discriminant analysis, nonmetric scaling and trade-off analysis. The course uses a
hands-on approach with small sample databases available for required computer-program analysis.
Prerequisite(s): |
MCS*6050 or consent of instructor |
MCS*6070 Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling F [0.50] |
This course introduces students to the theory, concepts and application of structural equation modeling. Topics covered include
path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and measurement models, latent variable modeling, multi-group modeling, and measurement
invariance testing. Emphasis is placed on applying the principles of SEM to the creation and testing of theoretically driven
models using both categorical and continuous data.
Prerequisite(s): |
MCS*6050 (or equivalent) and MCS*6060 (or equivalent)
MCS*6080 Qualitative Research Methods W [0.50] |
A review of the nature, importance and validity issues associated with qualitative research. Topics include theory and tactics
in design, interpersonal dynamics, analysis of interaction and transcripts.
Prerequisite(s): |
MCS*6050 or consent of instructor |
MCS*6100 Marketing Theory F [0.50] |
A theoretical understanding of marketing, including philosophy of science and marketing, a history of marketing thought, market
orientation, marketing strategy theory, modeling, social marketing, and ethical issues in marketing.
Restriction(s): |
Signature required for non-COST students. |
MCS*6120 Marketing Management U [0.50] |
This course is designed to increase depth of knowledge of marketing by helping the student understand how marketing theory
can directly affect marketing practice and firm performance. As this is an MSc course and NOT an MBA course, there is an expectation
that the level of critical thinking and knowledge growth falls within the realm of the science of marketing and/or the empirical
nature of marketing research and is no simply about marketing practice.
Prerequisite(s): |
MCS*6100 |
MCS*6350 Consumer, Business and Government Relations F,W [0.25] |
The development of an original and critical perspective to major issue development and macro-level-policy formation processes
concerned with business and government interfaces, business and consumer interfaces, and Canadian and international product/service
standards, which provide structure for issue management and policy development.
MCS*6370 Consumer Economics U [0.50] |
An applied economics course focusing on aggregate consumption at the domestic/international level; financial and time allocation
at the individual/household level; theoretical, mathematical and econometric analysis of consumption; applications to contemporary
consumption issues and problems.
MCS*6500 Global Business Today U [0.50] |
This course will survey the key issues related to doing business internationally including the cultural context for global
business, cross border trade and investment, ethics, the global monetary system, foreign exchange challenges and effectively
competing in the global environment.
Restriction(s): |
Non MBA/MA Leadership students only by permission of Executive Programs Office. |