IX. Graduate Programs
Integrative Biology
The Department of Integrative Biology is comprised of faculty members in three overlapping areas of emphasis: Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Comparative Physiology. Research is focused on a wide variety of organisms (from microbes to plants to animals) at multiple levels of organization (from molecules and cells through to entire ecosystems). Basic research is being used as a foundation to address some of the most important regional and global issues.
The Integrative Biology Graduate Program offers MSc and PhD degrees. The faculty members associated with the three areas of emphasis are:
Ecology (ECO) - Ackerman, Cottenie, Crawford, Fryxell, Larson, Maherali, McCann, MacDougall, McLaughlin, Newmaster, Norris, Nudds, Robinson, Thomas, Turetsky
Evolutionary Biology (EVO) - Adamowicz, Boulding, Caruso, Crease, Danzmann, Ferguson, Fu, Gregory, Griswold, Hajibabaei, Hanner (CLF), Hebert, Husband, Lynn, McAdam, Smith
Comparative Physiology (PHY) - Ballantyne, Bernier, Fudge, Gillis, Heyland, McDonald, Van Der Kraak, Wright
(CLF) Contractually Limited Faculty
Faculty in Integrative Biology also participate in the interdepartmental programs in Aquaculture, Biophysics, Neuroscience and Toxicology.