XI. Graduate Awards & Financial Assistance
College of Biological Science Internal Awards
The University reserves the right to amend awards subject to the availability of funds.
Please read the announcement regarding the current status of our endowed scholarships, bursaries and travel grants.
Prof. A.W. Baker Memorial Bursaries |
The estate of Margaret A. MacLean, through a bequest in honour and memory of her father the late Prof. A.W. Baker, Chair of
the Department of Entomology, with the aid of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, provides bursaries of up to a total
of $3,000 annually for students with demonstrated financial need who are registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and
enrolled in a department in the College of Biological Sciences or the Ontario Agricultural College. Full-time or part-time
continuing or in-coming MSc students not beyond semester 5 or PhD students not beyond semester 9, studying or conducting research
in entomology are eligible. Apply by letter describing research project and research interests accompanied by a curriculum
vitae and completed Financial Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS.
Canadian Federation of University Women Scholarship for Women in Graduate Studies in Nutritional Sciences |
The Canadian Federation of University Women, Guelph, offers this $500 award to a female student who is registered in a graduate
program offered by the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences and is working on a thesis project relevant to
human nutrition. The successful applicant will display academic achievement, relevant research activities, demonstrated strong
leadership abilities, and extra-curricular activities related to nutrition and health or women’s issues. Qualifying applicants
will be invited to apply and will be asked to complete the application form provided at the time of the invitation.
CBS Graduate Scholarship in Plant Science |
Alumni and friends of CBS, with the aid of the Ontario government’s OSOTF program, have established a $500 graduate scholarship
for students with demonstrated financial need. It will be awarded to an eligible full-time MSc student not beyond semester
5 or a full-time PhD student not beyond semester 9, pursuing gradate studies in the area of Plant Science in the College of
Biological Science. Apply by letter describing research project and research interest, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and
completed Financial Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS.
Harold H. Draper Graduate Prize (Human Health and Nutritional Sciences) |
In honour of Professor Draper, Chair of the Department of Nutritional Sciences from 1975-1985, a $100 prize may be given to
the graduate student who has presented the best seminar during the Departmental yearly seminar series. No application is necessary.
Elgin Card Terrestrial Scholarship in Terrestrial Animal Ecology (CBS) |
The Ontario Waterfowl Research Foundation provides an award of $4,000, to students in a graduate program in the college. The
applicant must have a high academic standing and demonstrated interest in the area of terrestrial zoology. The scholarship
may not be held in conjunction with any external awards that provide the student with $10,000 per year or more. Apply to the
Office of the Associate Dean of Research by September 30.
Hagen Graduate Scholarship |
Rolf Hagen, founding president of Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Canadian pet food and products supplier, with the aid of the Ontario
Government OSOTF program, has established two $1250 graduate scholarships for students with demonstrated financial need. They
will be awarded to eligible full-time MSc students not beyond semester 5 and full-time PhD students not beyond semester 9.
Annually, if possible, one will be awarded to an MSc student and the other to a PhD student. Preference will be given to students
with an interest in tropical and/or marine fish or aquaculture, doing their research in the Hagen Aqualab. Apply by letter
describing the research project and research interest, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and completed Financial Need Assessment
Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS.
H.J. Heinz Company Foundation David Yeung Scholarship in Human Nutrition |
The H.J. Heinz Company Foundation established an endowment to recognize their employee, David Yeung, for his personal and
professional contributions to the science of human nutrition. An annual $1,750 scholarship for students registered in the
first year of an MSc program and who are conducting research in the science of human nutrition are eligible to apply. Selection
will be based on: (a) overall grade point average and academic standing in all full time equivalent undergraduate courses
completed during the student's program, and (b) relevance and appropriateness of the research work. Financial need may also
be considered. Candidates must fulfil the requirements of the Heinz Foundation to be eligible for this scholarship. See Graduate
Awards Officer at the Office of Graduate Studies for more information. Apply by letter outlining intended research, include
a curriculum vitae and, if appropriate, a completed Financial Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by Janaury
Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Travel Grant (HHNS) |
This travel grant was established by private donation to encourage graduate students in the academic programs of Human Health
and Nutritional Sciences (HHNS) to study abroad. Eligible students are those who are enrolled in a graduate program in the
Department of HHNS and are traveling to one of: the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Maastricht, Netherlands;
Deakin University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), or the University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia. Applicants
must present a clearly described schedule of study / research plan for their time abroad as well as a budget for their personal
expenses. The outline should justify how the time abroad will complement their academic program and enhance their educational
goals. Within the budget, the applicant should identify how the grant will be used and students should demonstrate financial
support from their University of Guelph advisor. Proof, via letter, email or fax, from the host institution that an academic
/ research position has been confirmed should also accompany the application. Applications are accepted throughout the year
and should be directed to the Graduate Secretary in Human Health and Nutritional Sciences.
Norman James Aquatic Zoology Scholarship (CBS) |
The Ontario Waterfowl Research Foundation provides an award of $4,000, to students in a graduate program in the college. The
applicant must have a high academic standing and demonstrated interest in the area of aquatic zoology. The scholarship may
not be held in conjunction with any external awards that provide the student with $10,000 per year or more. Apply to the Office
of the Associate Dean of Research by September 30.
Middleton Graduate Teaching Assistant Prize (CBS) |
The Middleton Graduate Teaching Assistant Prize was established to honour Dr. A.L.A. Middleton, professor in the Department
of Zoology from 1966 - 2001, for his contribution to undergraduate education at the University of Guelph. Recipients must
demonstrate a commitment to and effectiveness in undergraduate teaching as evidenced by letters of support from course supervisors.
Students may be nominated by faculty, departmental technicians, or undergraduate students. The nomination forms are available
from the Integrative Biology main office and must be completed and returned by April 30. The recipient's name will be engraved
on a plaque, which will be displayed in the Department of Integrative Biology.
The Pharmacia Microbiology Graduate Scholarship (Molecular and Cellular Biology) |
A $500 scholarship is made annually to the graduate student enrolled in the Microbiology Program who is judged to have presented
the best poster at a scientific meeting during the academic year. Posters must be exhibited by the student or designate during
the last week of August. The best poster will be selected on the basis of scientific merit by the Department of Molecular
and Cellular Biology. An application to the Secretary of the Department Awards Committee is required.
Dr. Donald Robert Phillips Molecular Biology and Genetics Scholarship |
This scholarship was established by the estate of Beverly Phillips, in memory of her brother Dr. Donald Robert Phillips, OAC'66,
a genetics researcher. The fund provides one $8500 scholarship to students enrolled in the Molecular Biology and Genetics
graduate program. While primary consideration will be given to contributions to research as evidenced by authorship of publications
and conference presentations in the area of molecular biology and genetics, academic achievement at the graduate level and
prior recognition in the form of other graduate awards will also be taken into account. Apply by February 28 to the Molecular
and Cellular Biology Chair's office with a cover letter, application form (available from the graduate secretary), two letters
of support (one of which should be written by the student’s advisor).
Arthur Richmond Memorial Scholarships (CBS/OAC) |
In memory of the late Arthur Richmond (OAC '23), horticulturist and teacher, four $3500 scholarships are awarded annually
to outstanding graduate students in Botany, Environmental Biology, Plant Agriculture (Horticultural Sciences), Microbiology
or Zoology who are not beyond semester six as a master's student or semester nine as a doctoral student. The winners shall
be selected on the basis of academic excellence. One award each year is reserved for a student in the Plant Agriculture (Horticultural
Sciences) program. Apply to the Office of Graduate Studies by May 1 with an academic curriculum vitae, a one-page summary
of research and one reference letter.
Robinson Research Travel Grants (CBS, Molecular and Cellular Biology, OAC Environmental Biology) |
These two annual graduate awards of $400 each are tenable with other Senate awards. Graduate students in the Department of
Molecular and Cellular Biology in CBS are eligible for one award and graduate students in the Department of Environmental
Biology in OAC are eligible for the other. Academic standing will be used to determine the recipient. The funds are to be
used to defray costs to attend scientific meetings. Preference will be given to students presenting a paper at a meeting.
Application is to the chair of the Department of Environmental Biology, OAC, or the Chair of the Department of Molecular and
Cellular Biology, CBS, as appropriate by January 31 for travel in the period March 1 each year to February 28 of the succeeding
year. The selection committee will be the appropriate college awards committee on recommendation of the chair of the department.
The time of presentation to be arranged by the college awards committee. Donor - family, friends and associates of the late
Dr. John Robinson.
Roche Molecular Biochemical Award of Excellence (Molecular and Cellular Biology) |
An award of $500 may be made annually to the graduate student registered in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
who has presented the best graduate seminar during the academic year. No application is necessary.
Keith Ronald Graduate Scholarship (CBS) |
Established in the honour of Professor Keith Ronald, founding Dean of the College of Biological Science, with the assistance
of the Ontario government’s OSOTF program, this fund provides an annual $2500 award to the outstanding graduate student conducting
research in the area of aquatic sciences. The recipient will be selected on the merit of their research proposal and demonstrated
financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services with a one page proposal outlining the area of research interest and a
completed Financial Need Assessment Form by January 10th. See ACCESS AWARDS.
Peter Seidl Memorial Scholarship (Integrative Biology) |
In memory of Peter Seidl, MSc '80, the Seidl family provides a $1,000 annual scholarship for a master's student registered
in the Department of Integrative Biology. Peter's interest in aquatic sciences led to a career in environmental consulting,
working on water quality issues as the Secretary to the Research Council of the Great Lakes, and later, as an environmental
specialist for the World Bank, assisting developing countries. Master's students with at least an A- average in the previous
two years of full-time or equivalent study registered in the Department of Integrative Biology and in semester 1.0 to 6.0
are eligible. Students must be conducting research related to the quality of wildlife habitat, including fresh and saltwater
environments. Apply to the Office of the Associate Dean of Research, by December 1.
Sun Life Financial Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Research Scholarships (HHNS) |
Sun Life Financial annually provides five $4,000 awards to support interdisciplinary research into human lifestyle diseases,
such as cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes, with an emphasis on how factors, especially
nutrition (nutrigenomics) and exercise, alter the expression of an individual's genes in a manner that influences their health.
Related investigations will have applications for both preventing and moderating chronic disease. Full-time Dept. of Human
Health and Nutritional Sciences students in their second year of MSc thesis study or the initial three years of PhD study
with an 80% average in the last 2 years of study and evidence of research productivity will be invited to apply by the Department.
Apply with a one-page synopsis of the proposed or in progress research with specific mention of how it relates to the purpose
of the award and with a letter of support from the student's advisor. Apply to the Graduate Secretary, Dept. of Human Health
and Nutritional Sciences by July 1st.