
March 2, 2011

Chapter XI Graduate Programs

  • ANSC*6740 Special Topics in Animal Welfare - credit weight and description change

  • AQUA*6550 Aquaculture - course addition

    BIOM*6800 Gene Expression in Health and Disease - course addition

    CLIN*6670 Structure & Function of Animal Skin - course addition

    Food Science - change in admission average for MSc program from B- to B

    PABI*6105 Integrative Pathology - semester designation change

    PABI*6110 Pathology I - change to offering in even-numbered years

    PABI*6221 Comparative Veterinary Pathology I - semester designation change

    PABI*6222 Comparative Veterinary Pathology II - semester designation change

    PABI*6740 Avian Diseases - semester designation change

    PLNT*6010 Physiology of Crop Yield - course description and pre-requisite change, change to offering annually

    PSYC*7080 Consulting in Industrial/Organizational Psychology - title, credit weight and course description change

    RPD*6291 Rural Development Administration - course addition

    STAT*6802 Generalized Linear Models and Extensions - title and course description change

    STAT*6801 Statistical Learning - title and course description change

    ZOO*6550 Aquaculture - deletion

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1
