IX. Graduate Programs
European Studies
MA Program
The European Studies MA program is designed to provide students with a flexible, inter- and transdisciplinary approach to European Studies that combines humanities and social science perspectives on the study of European cultures and the concept of European identities. The program has three key objectives: 1° to promote studies crossing boundary-lines of all types and explore European culture in its relations with other continents; 2° to introduce students to a variety of methodological approaches in preparation for advanced doctoral research in the field of the Humanities; 3° to prepare students for careers in the arts, teaching and communication, and management, and to equip them with the skills needed to play leading roles in international institutions, national administrations, cultural organisations or media groups.
The program offers two streams:
Exploring European Identities: 3 to 4 consecutive semesters in length, program requirements to be completed mainly at Guelph, with the option of a semester abroad (in France, Germany, Italy or Spain).
Crossways in Cultural Narratives, is offered through the University of Guelph’s participation in the Erasmus Mundus Consortium. This stream is 2 years in length (2 Fall and 2 Winter semesters) and involves a compulsory mobility component, whereby the student attends 3 different universities in 3 different member-states of the Consortium.
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements and procedure as well as program requirements for the two streams differ, and are listed separately below.
Exploring European Identities
Candidates for admission must hold a BA in an honours program or equivalent from a recognized university or college. The applicant must have achieved a grade average of at least B+ in the work of his/her last four semesters or last two undergraduate years (full-time equivalent). Applicants, normally, must have reading competence in one of French, German, Italian or Spanish, equivalent to third year undergraduate level. However, exceptions may be made for applicants who have lower degree of proficiency but have particularly strong qualifications in other respects.
Crossways in Cultural Narratives
Candidates for admission must have a Bachelor’s Degree in an honours program or equivalent in the field of Arts, Languages or Social Sciences; particularly a Modern Languages Degree (e.g. language, literature, thought and cultural studies programs of a high, specialised level relating to one or more of the following: Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain – or Europe as a whole). The applicants must have achieved a grade average of B+ or better (or equivalent), or be among the top 5-10 students of their year. Applicants must also possess a near-native, degree-level command of TWO of the following European Languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish – together with a basic knowledge of, or a willingness to acquire, a THIRD European language.
Applications should be made through the Mundus Masters consortium
Degree Requirements
Exploring European Identities
A minimum of 4.00 credits is required for completion of the M.A., to consist of the following:
A minimum of six semester courses, each worth 0.5 credits, including: a) Core courses: Team-taught courses on European Identities (EURO*6010) and Research Methods (EURO*6000). b) Electives: 2.0 credits to be chosen from a list of restricted electives.
Students will also write a research project (EURO*6100), worth 1.0 credit of approximately 12,000 words under the supervision of a faculty member.
Study Abroad
It is strongly recommended that students spend a term studying abroad, in a country where their core language is spoken. This is of particular importance for students who have not made study abroad a part of their undergraduate program. While abroad, students will have the opportunity to develop language proficiency by taking language courses, take courses towards degree requirements or conduct research for their major project. The minimum average for graduation is 70%
Crossways in Cultural Narratives
A total of 6.00 credits (120 ECTS minimum) must be obtained: 4.00 for coursework, 1.75 for a thesis of 20,000 words (0.25 or 0.50 credits for the thesis proposal depending on whether students opt for an internship or not, 1.50 for the thesis). Students may opt for an internship worth 0.25 credits.
In compliance with the compulsory mobility component, students are required to obtain 2.00 credits (40 ECTS) from each of 3 universities chosen from the 8 member institutions:
University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France
University of Bergamo, Italy
University of Guelph, Canada
New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
University of Saint Andrews, United Kingdom
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
The required mobility pattern is as follows: Semester 1 – University A, Semesters 2 & 3 – University B (known as the home university), Semester 4 – University C.
For further details of the program and for downloadable application, visit the Crossways website at