IX. Graduate Programs
PhD Program
Admission Requirements
All graduate programs must conform to the Faculty of Graduate Studies policy on admissions. Accordingly, there will be three means of entry to the three-field PhD in Management:
An applicant who holds a recognized master’s degree in a management field with an average standing of at least “B+” may be admitted to PhD studies as a regular or provisional student
An applicant who holds a recognized master’s degree with high standing in a field other than management and who wishes to proceed to doctoral study in a management field should consult with the graduate coordinator about eligibility.
An applicant who has achieved excellent standing at the honours baccalaureate level in a management field and who wishes to proceed to doctoral study may enroll in a related Masters degree. If the student achieves a superior academic record and shows a particular aptitude for research, the Board of Graduate Studies, on the recommendation of the Department/School admissions committee, may authorize transfer to the PhD program without requiring the student to complete the master’s degree.
All applicants are required to submit GRE (Graduate Records Exam) or GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test).
Degree Requirements
The goal of the PhD program in Management is to produce graduates with both a breadth of knowledge about management theories in general, and a depth of knowledge such that they will be competent researchers and/or teachers in their chosen field. Since most courses will be common to the current three fields in this program as well as to any future fields, the key indicator of the student’s area of specialization will be his or her thesis topic. Students should select all courses in consultation with the graduate coordinator and their supervisor.
Five core courses will ensure that each student has a breadth of knowledge about management and research. Of the five core courses, one will cover the theories and practice of management, another provides an understanding of the philosophy of research and design and, two courses cover quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The fifth course is a seminar series that introduces students to the diversity of research projects undertaken by Guelph faculty, graduate students and by visitors to the University. Students will select two additional courses in their area of specialization in consultation with their thesis supervisor and the program coordinator. The core courses will encourage interaction and knowledge-sharing among all of the PhD in Management. Following their coursework, students will complete a comprehensive exam designed to test their knowledge in the general area of management and in their field of specialization. Students are to present and defend a doctoral research proposal not later than the end of the fourth semester after completion of the qualifying examination.
Overall, the proposed program consists of two semesters of coursework (five core courses and two electives), followed by the qualifying exam, presentation and defense of a research proposal, and finally, the completion and defense of a full doctoral dissertation.
Students are required to take a total of 3.0 credits (6 courses) and a Research Seminar (0.0 credit) each semester the studnet is registered.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Semester 7, 8 & 9
MCS*6950 | [0.00] | Marketing & Consumer Studies Seminar |
Thesis Research and Defense