X. Centre for International Programs

In keeping with the mission statement of the University of Guelph, the Centre for International Programs fosters international learning among members of our campus community to stimulate a sense of partnership and global responsibility as scholars and citizens.

The Centre encourages the development of global awareness in academic offerings, helps to initiate exchange and study abroad opportunities for graduate students and promotes partnerships with universities around the world.

The Centre conducts pre-departure orientations on-line using DepartSmart for all students travelling outside of Canada for any University related activity. We also oversee the University’s Safe International Travel Policy and the emergency response protocol for overseas programs.

The Centre’s website http://www.uoguelph.ca/cip has information on work, study and volunteer opportunities overseas, scholarships and application forms for University of Guelph exchange programs . For more information, call the Centre at (519) 824-4120, Extension 54876. The fax number is (519) 767-0756; e-mail CIP@uoguelph.ca 

The International Student Advisor http://www.studentlife.uoguelph.ca/oia/ provides support for the living and learning needs of international and exchange students attending the University of Guelph. The International Student Advisor is located in the Student Life Offices, Extension 53954.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1