IX. Graduate Programs

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

MA Program

Admission Requirements

The normal requirement for admission to the LACS MA program is the equivalent of an Honours degree from a recognized institution with at least 78% or higher in the last two years of study. Preference will be given to students who have taken upper-level undergraduate courses in areas such as Latin American and Caribbean history, society, politics, development, literature, art, languages, and music. A reading knowledge of Spanish will be required. Students wishing to enter the program normally do so in September.

Degree Requirements

LACS students will either take option 1 or 2. Study Abroad is not mandatory but strongly recommended to all students.

Option 1: take 6 courses (3.0 credits) and write a major research paper (1.0 credit). This option is recommended.

In addition to taking the four required courses students will also take two electives in the area of culture or society. Students who choose to go on an exchange in semester 2 of the program will not need to take LACS*6020 Latin American and Caribbean Identity and Culture II course. They can replace the winter portion of the course with a comparable course taken at the host university. While abroad, students will have the opportunity to develop language proficiency, and to conduct research or take courses for their major project. The major paper LACS*6100 Research Project (1.0 credits) consists of approximately 12,000 words and will be researched and written under the direction of one or two faculty members, one of whom could be from an exchange Latin American partner university.

Option 2: take 4 courses (2.0 credits) and write a thesis

All students will take four required courses:

LACS*6000 [0.50] Research Methods Seminar
LACS*6010 [0.50] Latin American Identity & Culture I
LACS*6020 [0.50] Latin American Identity & Culture II
LACS*6030 [0.50] Globalization & Insecurity in the Americas

Students who choose to write their major paper or thesis from a social science perspective may replace LACS*6000 with SOC*6140 (F) orSOC*6140 (W) orSOC*6130 (W).

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1