IX. Graduate Programs



Required Courses

MGMT*6800 Philosophy of Social Science Research S [0.50]
This course introduces students to the underlying philosophical assumptions that support empirical research methods within social science disciplines. The aim of this course is to examine the philosophy of knowledge generation and claims, particularly in the context of management phenomena.
Department(s): Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies
MGMT*6820 Theory of Management F [0.50]
This course examines the evolution of management thought and the overarching theories that have been successfully applied to multiple functional areas of the organization. Examples of theories that apply to such disparate areas as operations, marketing, and organizational behaviour include agency theory, transaction cost analysis, and contingency theory.
Department(s): Department of Management
MGMT*6830 Applied Univariate Statistical Analysis for Management F [0.50]
This course focuses on the use of univariate statistics as applied to social and behavioural research within the fields of organizational, management, and consumer studies. Emphasis will be place on providing a solid understanding of descriptive statistics, mean difference testing, analysis of variance and covariance, linear and logistic regression, and power and effect size. Laboratory sessions will focus on analysis application using statistical packages such as SPSS, R, SAS, Stata, and Mplus.
Department(s): Department of Management
MGMT*6840 Quantitative Research Methods: Multivariate Techniques W [0.50]
This course provides a review of selected multivariate analysis techniques with applications to management. Students will learn to determine which multivariate technique is appropriate for a specific research problem and how to apply multivariate quantitative techniques to research questions. Topics include regression analysis, anova, principal components, factor and discriminant analysis, nonmetric scaling and trade-off analysis. The course uses a hands-on approach and requires computer-program analysis.
Department(s): Department of Management
MGMT*6850 Qualitative Research Methods W [0.50]
This doctoral seminar provides students with the historical roots, underlying theoretical frameworks, and methods of qualitative research for consumer and management studies. Students will develop their capacity to conduct qualitative research through the development of an original qualitative research project.
Department(s): Department of Management
MGMT*6900 PhD Research Seminar Project S [0.00]
The summer project seminar has the objective to start familiarizing students with the research process. Students will prepare and submit a research piece drawing on techniques acquired in the research methods courses.
Department(s): Department of Management
MGMT*6950 Doctoral Research Seminar F,W [0.00]
This is a seminar course attended by graduate students and faculty. Academic guest speakers present their work in weekly meetings. Students are encouraged to be engaged and participate actively during the presentations.
Restriction(s): Must be registered in the PhD Management program
Department(s): Department of Management

Field Courses

BUS*6830 [0.50] Foundational Theories of Leadership
BUS*6840 [0.50] Foundational Theories of Management
HTM*6710 [0.50] Services Management Theory I
HTM*6720 [0.50] Services Management Theory II
HTM*6730 [0.50] Cases in Management
MCS*6800 [0.50] Best Worst Scaling and Discrete Choice Analysis
MCS*6810 [0.50] Experimental Design and Analysis for Behavioural Research in Management Studies

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1