IX. Graduate Programs

Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics

MSc Program

The MSc program in Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics focuses on two major fields of emphasis: 1) food and agricultural economics; and 2) natural resource and environmental economics.

The aim of the MSc program is to develop in students a fundamental understanding of economic principles and their application in identifying and solving relevant problems related to food, agriculture, and natural resources. The program also strives to develop appropriate analytical, methodological, and communication skills to enable students to analyze agriculture and resource problems effectively and explain their findings.

Admission Requirements

All students entering the Master of Science program must have achieved the University required minimum 70% (B-) average or equivalent. In addition, they are expected to have already taken, the following basic courses:

  • Intermediate level micro- and macro-economic theory (ECON*2310 and ECON*2410 or equivalent)

  • Calculus and matrix algebra with applications to economics (ECON*2770 or equivalent)

  • Intermediate level statistics (ECON*3740 or equivalent).

  • Advanced microeconomic theory at the undergraduate level is strongly recommended as preparation for the course work in the MSc program.

The Graduate Program Committee examines each application before the student is proposed to the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies for admission into the program.

Program Requirements

In order to satisfy the degree requirements of the MSc, students will complete successfully six courses, a seminar course, and write and defend an original MSc thesis. The minimum course work requirements (assuming all undergraduate background requirements have been met) are:

FARE*6100 [0.50] The Methodologies of Economics
FARE*6380 [0.50] Applied Microeconomics for Agricultural Economists
FARE*6910 [0.50] Applied Policy Analysis I
FARE*6970 [0.50] Applied Quantitative Methods for Agricultural Economists

Two graduate courses as approved by the student's advisory committee

FARE*6800 [0.00] Seminar in Agricultural Economics
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1