IX. Graduate Programs
The Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry combines the Department of Chemistry at the University of Waterloo and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Guelph into a comprehensive and all-inclusive school of graduate chemistry and biochemistry. The members of the centre conduct research in virtually all areas of modern chemistry and biochemistry.
Professional personnel in the centre comprise those faculty members of the two departments who have been appointed as PhD advisors and have a record of recent research achievement. The centre is administered by the director and its affairs are guided by the co-ordinating committee, which consists of the director, the two departmental chairs, the two departmental Graduate Program Coordinators, two elected centre members from each campus, and one elected representative of the graduate student body from each campus. The regulations applying to graduate study in the centre meet the requirements of the graduate councils and the Senates of the two universities.
The fields of research in which theses can be written normally fall within the categories of:
Analytical chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Organic chemistry
Theoretical chemistry
Polymer chemistry
Biological chemistry or Biochemistry
Physical Chemistry
The category chosen will normally be referred to as the candidate's major. However, if a suitable topic is chosen, a candidate may pursue research which involves more than one of the categories listed above. Certain course requirements must be fulfilled both for the MSc and for the PhD. These courses are chosen in consultation with the candidate's advisory committee and the graduate officers of the centre.