IX. Graduate Programs


Graduate Diplomas in Water Resources

The objective of the graduate diploma is to provide mid-career, engineering professionals from Canada and abroad with post graduate education and training to improve their job-related expertise within an 8 month period. The program enhances the ability of these professionals to gain employment in the field of Water Resources engineering by developing specialized knowledge in one of two areas of Water Resources. The first area will emphasize higher learning in the application of Modelling in a Water Resources context. Application of existing tools, particularly GIS, to a variety of contemporary water resources problems will be emphasized. The second area focuses on the Design of Sustainable Water Resources Systems that will be sustainable in today’s development environment.

Admission Requirements

Students with an honours degree will be considered for the Graduate Diploma program provided they have satisfactory preparation in mathematical and physical sciences. A minimum average grade of 70% for the last four full-time semesters, or the last two complete undergraduate years, prior to entry will normally be required.

Since an adequate background in undergraduate engineering courses is prerequisite for courses offered in the program, there is a requirement of the following courses or equivalent.

ENGG*2230 Fluid Mechanics
ENGG*3650 Hydrology
ENGG*3340 Geographic Information Systems1

The qualification will be assessed by transcripts supplied by the student at the time of application. Students deficient in certain areas will be required to take make-up undergraduate courses as decided by the Graduate Program Committee. The student will be admitted on probation until the requirements have been completed. These courses will not count toward the student graduate degree requirement.

1Only required for students in the Modelling Applications in Water Resources Systems

Program Requirements

The prescribed program consists of 2.0 credits acceptable at the graduate level.

Modelling Applications in Water Resource Engineering

The core courses consist of a total of 2.0 credits, 1.5 credits must come from the list below. One of these must be ENGG*6800.

ENGG*6800 [0.50] Deterministic Hydrological Modelling
ENGG*6740 [0.50] Ground Water Modelling
ENGG*6840 [0.50] Open Channel Hydraulics
ENGG*6880 [0.50] Soil Erosion and Fluvial Sedimentation
ENGG*6030 [0.50] Finite Difference Methods
ENGG*6050 [0.50] Finite Element Methods
ENGG*4510 [0.50] Risk Assessment and Management
ENGG*6060 [0.50] Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation

In addition, the student must complete ENGG*6910. This is a 0.5 credit, 1 semester course. This special topics course will focus on one of the following areas:

  • Watershed Systems Design

  • Soil-Water Conservation Systems Design

  • Urban Water Systems Design

And include a project utilizing a GIS-based modeling approach.

Engineering Design of Sustainable Water Resource Systems

The courses consist of a total of 2.0 credits. Two courses (1.0 credits) must be selected from the following courses:

ENGG*6610 [0.50] Urban Stormwater Management
ENGG*6860 [0.50] Stream and Wetland Restoration Design
ENGG*6840 [0.50] Open Channel Hydraulics
ENGG*6140 [0.50] Optimization Techniques for Engineering
ENGG*4510 [0.50] Risk Assessment and Management
ENGG*6680 [0.50] Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment
ENVS*6280 [0.50] Soil Physics
RPD*6310 [0.50] Environmental Impact Assessment
ENGG*4250 [0.50] Watershed Systems Design2
ENGG*4360 [0.50] Soil-Water Conservation Systems Design2
ENGG*4370 [0.50] Urban Water Systems Design2

In addition to the courses above, the course ENGG*6910 must be completed. This is a 0.5 credit, one semester course. For each of these an area of emphasis from one of the following three areas3 must be selected:

  • Watershed Systems Design

  • Soil-Water Conservation Systems Design

  • Urban Water Systems Design

For this special topics course the project must focus on sustainability of water resources within the area of emphasis selected.

2Only one of these courses may be selected.

3If one of the undergraduate courses listed above are selected, the area of emphasis for this course must differ from the undergraduate course.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1