IX. Graduate Programs

Business Administration

Graduate Faculty

The MBA program is administered and managed by the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics, through the Executive Programs Office. The MBA currently has three fields; 1) Food and Agribusiness Management and 2) Hospitality and Tourism Management and 3) Sustainable Commerce which are offered in partnership with academic units: the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (in the Ontario Agricultural College), the Department of Management (in LANG), the School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management (in LANG), the Department of Economics and Finance (in LANG) and the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies (in LANG).

From the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (OAC):

Andreas Boecker
MSc, PhD Kiel - Associate Professor and Chair
John A.L. Cranfield
BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Purdue - Professor and Associate Dean, External Relations, Ontario Agricultural College
Brady J. Deaton
BS Missouri, MS Virginia Tech, PhD Michigan State - Professor and McCain Family Chair in Food Security
Glenn C. Fox
BSc(Agr), MSc Guelph, PhD Minnesota - Professor
Getu Hailu
BSc, MSc Alemaya, PhD Alberta - Associate Professor
Spencer Henson
BSc, PhD Reading - Professor
Rakhal C. Sarker
BSc, MSc Bangladesh, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Michael von Massow
BA Manitoba, BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD McMaster - Assistant Professor
Richard Vyn
BSc Dordt College, MSc Alberta, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Alfons J. Weersink
BSc Guelph, MSc Montana State, PhD Cornell - Professor

From the Department of Management (LANG):

Nita Chhinzer
BA York, MBA, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Rumina Dhalla
MBA, PhD York - Associate Professor
Louise Hayes
BSc, MBA British Columbia, PhD Waterloo, CA - Assistant Professor
Kalinga Jagoda
BSc Moratuwa, PhD Western Sydney, CPA, CMA - Associate Professor
Elizabeth Kurucz
BA McMaster, MIR Toronto, PhD York - Associate Professor
Sean Lyons
BPA Windsor, MA, PhD Ottawa - Professor and Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
Sara Mann
BComm MBA McMaster, PhD Toronto - Professor, Interim Dean and Associate Dean Academic, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
Davar Rezania
MSc Utrecht, MBA Derby, PhD Ramon LLULL, CPA, CMA - Associate Professor and Chair
Sandra Scott
BSc Toronto, MBA, McMaster, CPA, CA, CFA - Associate Professor
John Walsh
BA Thames Polytechnic, MBA, PhD Western Ontario - Professor
Agnes Zdaniuk
BA Waterloo, MASc, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor

From the School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management (LANG):

Hwan-Suk (Chris) Choi
BA Chung-Ang (Seoul, Korea), MTA George Washington, PhD Texas A&M - Professor and Acting Director
Julia Christensen Hughes
BComm Guelph, MBA, PhD York - Professor
Statia Elliot
BComm St. Mary's, MA McMaster, PhD Carleton - Professor and Interim Associate Dean, External Relations, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
Joan Flaherty
BA, MA, MSc, Guelph - Assistant Professor
Lianne Foti
BComm Guelph, MBA EDHEC, DBA Bradford - Assistant Professor
Mark Holmes
BComm, MSA Ryerson, PhD York - Assistant Professor
Marion Joppe
BA Waterloo, MA, PhD Univ. d'Aix-Marseille III (France) - Professor and Research Chair
Nadège Levallet
MMGT Grenoble, MBA Ottawa, PhD Queen’s - Assistant Professor
Bruce McAdams
BComm, MA Guelph - Assistant Professor
Norm O’Reilly
BSc Waterloo, MBA Ottawa, PhD Carleton - Professor and Director, International Institute for Sport Business and Leadership
Erna van Duren
BA Waterloo, MSc, PhD Guelph - Professor

From the Department of Economics and Finance (LANG)

Francis Tapon
MBA Columbia, MA, PhD Duke - Professor

From the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies (LANG):

May H. Aung
BComm, MComm Burma, PhD York - Associate Professor
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1