IX. Graduate Programs

Public Health

Graduate Diploma

This stand-alone diploma consists of four courses, including Applied Public Health Research, and at least two required courses and one elective course. Students may request a transfer from the Graduate Diploma into the MPH and if accepted, will receive credit for the courses taken. Students interested in this option must apply to the MPH program prior to initiating graduation procedures from the Graduate Diploma.

Admission Requirements

Eligible applicants include those with an honours BSc in Biomedical Sciences, Biological Sciences, or Public Health, or those with a DVM, BScN or MD professional degrees (or their equivalent). Students with an honours degree without a biological or health focus will be required to complete the distance education BSc course PATH*3610 Principles of Disease by the conclusion of the first semester of their degree program. Candidates should have earned a B average in an honours degree or in a professional degree. All applicants should submit a one-page statement of interest and career goals in public health. Students will be admitted into the Fall semester. Additional information can be found on the MPH program website

Program Requirements

The Graduate Diploma program at the Ontario Veterinary College consists of four courses, including Applied Public Health Research, at least two required courses, and one elective course. Typical duration of the Graduate Diploma program is two semesters.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1