IX. Graduate Programs

Literary Studies/Theatre Studies in English


LTS*7770 Language Requirement U [0.00]
A written demonstration of a student's reading knowledge of one language other than English, as approved by the Graduate Studies Committee.
Department(s): School of English and Theatre Studies
LTS*7900 Directed Studies U [0.50]
The study of a special topic under the guidance of a member of the graduate faculty.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Literary Studies and Theatre Studies in English students.
Department(s): School of English and Theatre Studies

THST*6150 [0.50] Theatre Historiography
THST*6210 [0.50] Devising
THST*6220 [0.50] Theatre Theory
THST*6230 [0.50] Performance and Difference
THST*6250 [0.50] Bodies and Space in Performance
THST*6801 [0.50] Reading Course I
THST*6802 [0.50] Reading Course II
ENGL*6002 [0.50] Topics in the History of Criticism
ENGL*6003 [0.50] Problems of Literary Analysis
ENGL*6201 [0.50] Topics in Canadian Literature
ENGL*6209 [0.50] Topics in Colonial, Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature
ENGL*6412 [0.50] Topics in Medieval/Renaissance Literature
ENGL*6421 [0.50] Topics in 18-Century and Romantic Literature
ENGL*6431 [0.50] Topics in 19-Century Literature
ENGL*6441 [0.50] Topics in Modern British Literature
ENGL*6451 [0.50] Topics in American Literature
ENGL*6611 [0.50] Topics in Women's Writing
ENGL*6621 [0.50] Topics in Children's Literature
ENGL*6641 [0.50] Topics in Scottish Literature
ENGL*6691 [0.50] Interdisciplinary Studies
ENGL*6811 [0.50] Special Topics in English
ENGL*6801 [0.50] Reading Course I
ENGL*6802 [0.50] Reading Course II
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1