IX. Graduate Programs

Tourism and Hospitality

MSc Program

The objective of the program is to develop a solid academic background and underpinning in the field of tourism, alongside research, critical reasoning, problem solving and data analysis skills. The intention is to equip students with the necessary skills to identify optimal solutions and justifiable recommendations for employers, customers or other researchers. In so doing, graduates will develop demonstrable competence in the assessment of existing literature, research conceptualization and design, quantitative and qualitative research methods and data analysis techniques. Completion of the program can serve as a foundation for the pursuit of a PhD.

Admission Requirements

All students entering the MSc are required to hold an undergraduate Honour’s degree with a minimum B+ or equivalent, from a recognized post-secondary institution (see also Graduate Diploma in Tourism Research (GDip) for alternate admission requirements). In addition, they should have a GMAT score of 550 or better or a GRE score of 1200 (Minimum verbal score of 450) or better.

Applicants also need to have an academic or industry background in tourism, the social sciences, humanities or professional/business related programs in allied areas such as hospitality, travel, human resources, sports management, food management, marketing or consumer studies. For applicants who did not major in these areas in their undergraduate degree or diploma, additional prerequisites may be required.

MSc applicants who believe their experiential learning may compensate for a lack of academic standing and thus not meet the University’s minimum requirements may contact the Graduate Program Coordinator regarding alternative admissions criteria, which normally would require at least 5 years in a research or equivalent position in industry.

Program Requirements

All students will complete six courses (three core courses and three restricted electives), plus the thesis proposal and defence. The thesis is expected to be sufficiently meritorious to warrant publication in reputable refereed journals within the student’s field and area of specialization. The three core courses cover topics dealing with the theories, methods, contemporary issues, and research applications in tourism and hospitality. The three restricted electives include: one quantitative methods course; one qualitative methods course; and one topic course. All are to be chosen in consultation with the School’s Graduate Program Coordinator. It is intended that the topic will be related to and/or lead to the student’s thesis proposal and subsequent research.

Core Courses

TRMH*6100 [0.50] Foundations of Tourism and Hospitality
TRMH*6200 [0.50] Contemporary Issues in Tourism
TRMH*6310 [0.50] Research Applications in Tourism and Hospitality
TRMH*6400 [1.00] Thesis Research Proposal

Restricted Electives

One of the following quantitative research methods courses:

TRMH*6290 [0.50] Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality
SOC*6130 [0.50] Quantitative Research Methods
PSYC*6060 [0.50] Research Design and Statistics
Or with permission
GEOG*6090 [0.50] Geographical Research Methods I
One of the following qualitative research methods courses:
TRMH*6080 [0.50] Qualitative Research Methods
MCS*6080 [0.50] Qualitative Methods: Consumer Research
ANTH*6140 [0.50] Qualitative Research Methods
SOC*6140 [0.50] Qualitative Research Methods
FRAN*6020 [0.50] Qualitative Research Methods
One of the following topic courses:
TRMH*6110 [0.50] Foundations of Food Industry Management
TRMH*6120 [0.50] Foundations of Sport Management
TRMH*6250 [0.50] Tourism and Sustainable Development
TRMH*6270 [0.50] Data Mining Practicum
TRMH*6630 [0.50] Special Topics in Tourism
Or other courses as appropriate depending on availability

Note: Students in the MSc Tourism and Hospitality who successfully complete at least 2.5 credits of course work, with a minimum 70% overall average, and no less than a grade of 65% in any single course within the 2.5 credits, may be eligible to receive a Graduate Diploma in Tourism Studies, if they choose to withdraw from the MSc program.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1