IX. Degree Programs
Bachelor of Applied Science - Major Psychology - Diploma in General Arts and Science
Understanding why people do the things they do is a goal that has been at the core of the science of psychology for at least the last 125 years. In the Psychology program, students examine theories and research based on the biological and social approaches to human behaviour and cognition.
The primary goal of this program is to prepare students to enter the workforce with the depth of understanding and experience employers are looking for in a wide variety of service, administrative, and industrial fields. Students will have the opportunity to identify an area of emphasis in the upper three years of study. Upon completion of the program, students will receive a university honors degree which will prepare them for a professional career or advanced study at the postgraduate level in a variety of academic diciplines.
Students complete 20.00 credits which includes 9.00 required core psychology credits, 6.00 required credits in liberal arts and sciences Students must complete these requirements to be eligible to graduate with both a university honours degree (awarded by the University of Guelph) and the college diploma (awarded by Humber). No option exists to graduate with only one of the above listed credentials as the program is fully integrated.