VII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
Deferred Privileges
Deferred Condition
The faculty member will determine the requirements and conduct of the deferred condition. The deferred condition may be a written test, an oral test, an assignment, a laboratory practical, or any other method of evaluation. The requirements for the completion of the deferred condition are documented in writing by the faculty member and copy of the documentation is retained by both the faculty member and the student. The faculty member must notify the Campus Registrar and relevant Program Advisor of the results of a deferred condition, normally within four days of its completion. Students must normally complete a deferred condition within 15 class days of the start of the semester immediately following the completion of the course. The Program Advisor (copying the Campus Registrar and the faculty member) advises students in writing of the deadline for the completion of a condition. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the faculty member and make arrangements for the details of the condition.
The Program Advisor will advise faculty in writing of the students who have been granted deferred conditions. The memorandum specifies the deadline for completion of the deferred condition, and the deadline for the submission of final grades.
If the condition is not completed by the required date, a grade is assigned based on the term work completed as indicated on the original Faculty Recommendation form. Students may be considered for an extension, or the assignment of a grade based on incomplete work, if medical or compassionate circumstances interfere at the time of the scheduled condition.